(E is for Events, which evolved as Art, Museums, Bars, Clubs, and other terms that seemed too specialized, or to overlap, or to confuse. Essentially, anything that is NOT in one of the other categories is listed as an Event.)
Events 1 of 3
E 85-10-24 380 Gallery for Ron Kron exhibit
E 97-08-21 Ace Gallery for Sol Lewitt with Charles
E 81-05-09 Act I for drinks
E 67-02-03 Act I with Madge
E 83-08-31 Actualism American Consciousness/I show Africa slides
E 84-02-12 Actualism Bodywork in center first of series
E 89-12-17 Actualism Christmas Gathering and Brunch upstairs at Olcott
E 90-12-16 Actualism Christmas party 11AM to 8:15PM
E 78-12-16 Actualism Christmas party at La Verandah
E 79-12-08 Actualism Christmas Party at La Verandah
E 93-12-12 Actualism Christmas party at Linda Phelps'
E 77-12-18 Actualism Christmas party at Park-Royal on 73rd St.
E 86-12-20 Actualism Class Christmas party here 5PM to 12
E 87-08-08 Actualism Croton Point Park Picnic
E 86-05-11 Actualism Earth Day Brunch
E 86-04-11 Actualism Easter Gathering at Dimele Center
E 87-04-12 Actualism Easter Gathering at Silverwood's house
E 85-04-23 Actualism Gay Men here
E 85-02-17 Actualism Gay Men here
E 78-07-22 Actualism group via Dayline to Bear Mountain(Hottestday/year
E 76-11-04 Actualism intro from Bruce Jaffe at Willkie Hall
E 86-10-25 Actualism meeting at Rutgers Church
E 83-03-04 Actualism Memorial Service for Bruce Lieber
E 78-06-11 Actualism NSH training
E 81-04-08 Actualism party here (Dennis makes Bistkeyah), 12 guests
E 85-06-22 Actualism picnic
E 84-04-06 Actualism Pot-Luck at Malcolm Groome's
E 82-10-06 Actualism Power Places at Willkie
E 83-03-30 Actualism reception for Carol Ann, Married Gil and Ann
E 89-11-18 Actualism second group initiated into Fourth Advanced
E 84-07-14 Actualism Summer Gathering
E 81-06-06 Actualism Summer Gathering at Croton Park
E 82-06-12 Actualism Summer Gathering at Croton Park
E 83-06-05 Actualism Summer Gathering at Croton Park
E 86-08-02 Actualism Summer Picnic at Croton Point
E 89-11-19 Actualism Thanksgiving Gathering at Center
E 84-04-13 Actualism Willkie Hall Easter Event
E 83-12-12 Actualism Willkie Hall Gathering
E 86-02-14 Actualism: start of 4th Advanced!
E 75-10-24 Actualizations for 4 days
E 88-10-26 Adams Concert in WinterGarden with ECB
E 64-11-05 Aeneid at YMHA
E 99-03-10 African Burial Ground lecture at St. Francis
E 70-03-03 AGAPE at NYU
E 86-11-03 AGMA Benefit at NYS Theatre
E 78-04-27 Agnes de Mille at CC
E 86-09-21 AIDS Benefit at Adonis
E 87-04-27 AIDS Benefit at Washington Irving High School
E 86-12-06 AIDS controversies at Hunter
E 90-12-08 AIDS Danceathon
E 85-12-15 AIDS Day at The Saint
E 88-01-06 AIDS meeting at Unitarian Church with Pope
E 87-12-23 AIDS meeting with Pope at Unitarian Church
E 86-10-27 AIDS program at "Russell's Church"
E 88-06-22 AIDS quilt on Pier 92
E 86-05-18 AIDS Walkathon 10-12
E 85-10-20 AIDS Weekend
E 85-10-19 AIDS Weekend
E 85-06-15 AIDS workshop at Hunter College
E 73-11-23 Akhnaton exhibit
E 71-01-19 Alan Oken for Astrology
E 77-11-08 Alberta Hunter at Cookery
E 62-04-01 Aldous Huxley at YMHA
E 79-11-02 Alexander session at Amy's, first of many
E 71-06-12 Alice Tully Hall
E 87-10-03 Alice's birthday party at Sherryl's
E 83-10-02 Alice's party
E 88-10-01 Alice's party at Dennis's
E 57-07-03 All-Brahms program at Lewisohn Stadium
E 77-07-19 All-Star Baseball Game in Yankee Stadium
E 80-10-05 Allan Block at Palace Theater in Norwalk, Connecticut
E 85-01-15 Allan Ginsberg at El Culot with David Frost of Macmillan
E 96-10-13 Alliance for Downtown walking tour of 12 buildings downtown
E 91-07-07 Alwyn Court/St.John the Divine/walk World FinancialCenter/Don M
E 93-03-07 Amateur plays at Top of the Gate
E 84-10-28 American Consciousness at Actualism
E 91-06-28 American Folk-Art Museum
E 99-12-09 American Indian Museum
E 86-07-05 Amerigo Vespucci, Liberdad, and Christian Radich ships visited
E 99-12-21 Amusement Marketplace lecture at MOMA
E 81-12-06 Amy and Adam married at Box Tree in Westchester
E 96-08-18 Anchorage summer exhibits with Charles
E 98-10-09 Andreas Vollenweider at Avery Fisher with Charles, very poor
E 94-02-19 Andrew Harvey with Bob Baksa
E 76-12-10 Androgyny Seminar for 2 days
E 94-10-26 Andy Monroe at Friend's House on Irving Place
E 93-01-27 Angkor slide show at Explorer's Club
E 77-09-26 Animation
E 76-03-13 Anita O'Day at Reno Sweeney's
E 87-12-26 Ann and Nat's Open House
E 76-04-17 Ann Berline's
E 62-04-06 Anna Balos, Soprano
E 79-09-28 Anne Marie Moss at Last Page
E 79-06-22 Annie Ross at Reno Sweeney's
E 62-03-04 Antiques Fair at Madison Square Garden
E 66-02-26 Antiques Show at Madison Square Garden
E 89-01-26 Antonio Drawings/ Tartan exhibit at FIT/House of Video Membership
E 75-12-06 Anvil
E 94-07-20 Appelate Court Building tour on Madison in 20s
E 58-04-04 Aquarium and Coney Island
E 78-02-24 Arcane Society
E 78-04-22 Arcane Society (Wesak Moon)
E 79-02-09 Arcane Society for Full Moon
E 71-02-22 Argentine Concert
E 62-08-30 Arias and Arabasques; Wallingford Riegger
E 71-01-18 Ariel Taylor for Numerology
E 59-01-04 Arlington Cemetery
E 90-12-14 Armani men and film costumes at FIT
E 94-02-05 Armory (66th Street Regiment) tour with Spartacus
E 76-03-24 Arnold's Birthday Party here
E 70-11-22 Art Deco exhibit at Finch
E 89-07-07 Art Gallery Day
E 81-02-18 Art Hodes at Hanratty's
E 90-10-06 Art in the Anchorage
E 85-06-27 Art in the Anchorage exhibit
E 87-04-13 Art Ostrin, 2:30 with Spartacus
E 78-12-19 Art Ostrin at La Fronde
E 79-02-25 Art Ostrin in Ballroom
E 62-06-12 Art show for Gourmets
E 99-09-11 Art Walk downtown with Sherryl 2-5PM
E 85-12-13 Arte Povera at P.S.1/Abigail Adams Smith Museum
E 83-02-19 Arthur Dworin's Party
E 81-09-06 Arthur Ellenbogen's barbecue
E 66-08-04 Arthur's with Mom
E 63-03-21 Artur Rubinstein (San Diego)
E 87-05-02 ASI all-day meeting
E 81-05-02 ASI Annual Meeting
E 88-05-13 ASI Annual Meeting
E 90-05-05 ASI Indexing Award Judging
E 84-05-02 ASI Meeting
E 89-06-07 ASI meeting at 5:30
E 75-04-19 ASI meeting at CUNY
E 82-11-19 ASI Meeting: I talk on my indexing
E 92-11-12 ASI NYC meeting
E 93-02-23 ASI NYC meeting
E 92-05-20 ASI NYC meeting on NY Times indexing
E 82-02-23 ASI on Word Processing
E 81-02-21 ASI Seminar all day
E 83-02-12 ASI Seminar on Microcomputers (snowstorm deadened)
E 91-07-11 Asia House for Korea and Islam/IBM Gallery for Broadway
E 82-08-18 Asia Society
E 90-03-25 Asia Society tour on Japanese and Balinese art
E 73-09-22 Asian Festival in CP
E 79-09-26 ASIS meeting
E 86-11-25 AT&T Infoquest/ Opal Lobby on 52nd and Lex
E 78-09-24 Atlantic Antic
E 79-10-14 Atlantic Antic
E 81-09-27 Atlantic Antic
E 99-09-26 Atlantic Antic 12:30-4:30 with Carolyn
E 84-09-30 Atlantic Antic 1984
E 97-09-28 Atlantic Antic with Sherryl and Carolyn
E 77-09-18 Atlantic Avenue Fair
E 97-03-21 Atlantic Mall shopping with Spartacus
E 65-01-30 Audubon Terrace Museums:Indian/Spain/Numismatic
E 95-09-17 Audubon Terrace walk, Hispanic Museum quick, with Charles
E 80-08-30 Austro-Hungarian costumes at Met
E 70-04-12 Automation House
E 70-10-13 Automation House
E 70-11-20 Automation House
E 71-02-12 Automation House
E 71-03-19 Automation House
E 71-11-19 Avant-Garde Festival
E 80-12-06 Avi's for Hannukah
E 76-03-19 B.B.King and Bobby "Blue" Bland at Beacon Theater
E 93-07-12 B.D.Wong at Russian Tea Room Cabaret
E 91-05-05 Bach at Grace Church: B-Minor Mass and Magnificat
E 83-12-31 Bach at Unitarian Church/New Year's Eve Party with Joe
E 70-01-18 Bach Cantata #3 at Lutheran Church
E 75-03-31* Bach's B-Minor Mass
E 62-01-13 Bala Cynwood: Barnes Collection
E 90-09-05 Ballroom for Jeff McBride's Magic
E 97-12-05 BAM rehearsal for Arvo Part and Olivier Messiaen pieces
E 94-05-06 BAM: Scriabin, Rinsky-Korsakov, Stravinsky 3 pieces
E 66-06-22 Band concert and party in CP
E 64-07-15 Band in CP
E 97-05-04 Bang on a Can at World Fin Ctr:Tom Day/Bagpipes/Africans/Gamelon
E 90-05-13 Bang on a Can Festival with Alice 2PM - 1AM!!
E 97-09-07 Barbara Kahn's birthday party at Chelsea Pier 12-3PM
E 96-11-18 Barbara Lea at Danny's Seafood Palace Cabaret
E 96-06-28 Barbara Lea at Hunter with Don and Sherryl
E 83-12-17 Barbara Lea at Jan Wallman's
E 87-04-11 Barbara Lea at Jan Wallman's
E 88-07-02 Barbara Lea at Jan Wallman's
E 94-11-19 Barbara Lea at Langans, with Sherryl and David
E 86-05-10 Barbara Lea at Lower East Side Church
E 79-08-28 Barbara Lea at Michael's Pub
E 79-07-31 Barbara Lea at Rainbow Room
E 90-10-03 Barbara Lea at St. Peters
E 90-06-27 Barbara Lea at Town Hall
E 84-11-18 Barbara Lea concert
E 93-08-12 Barbara Lea sings jazz at Holiday Inn
E 89-03-26 Bargemusic
E 95-02-26 Bargemusic at 4PM with Carolyn
E 95-03-24 Barnes oils at Philadelphia Museum, and Rodin Museum
E 89-07-14 Bastille Day celebrations at Lincoln Center
E 83-01-19 Battery Park City Lecture
E 70-05-16 Bayard Cutting Arboretum
E 89-07-01 Bayard Cutting Arboretum with Paul
E 94-11-05 BCUE Sunset Park tour with Carolyn
E 94-09-11 BCUE Tennis House tour and outdoor fair with Carolyn
E 67-03-26 Be-In in CP
E 67-04-18 Beardsley exhibit
E 76-10-13 Beatrice Ponds at New School
E 84-02-28 Beaux-Arts exhibit at National Academy of Design
E 61-09-26 Beekman Tower drinks with Eileen Bradley
E 61-02-01 Beekman Tower with Paul for drinks
E 57-07-15 Beethoven at Lewisohn
E 69-06-03 Beethoven's 9th at Concertgebouw (Amsterdam)
E 96-05-31 Beethoven's Ninth rehearsal with Carolyn
E 71-01-03 Before Cortez at the Met
E 57-08-08 Believe It or Not Odditorium
E 81-05-28 Benjamin Creme
E 63-01-16 Bergensfjord tour
E 75-12-25* Berlioz Requiem
E 85-07-13 Berlioz Requiem (Carcassone)
E 82-06-03* Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique (NY Philharmonic&IsraeliPhilhm
E 68-05-05 Berlioz Te Deum at St. John the Divine
E 59-04-18 Berlioz: Damnation of Faust(Philly)
E 65-07-15 Bernstein at PH
E 94-03-31 Bert's PM drink at his apartment with friend
E 82-11-21 Betty Carter
E 74-05-30 Bhutan at Asia House
E 91-04-27 Bierstadt exhibit; Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
E 94-09-18 Big Apple Greeters boatride around Manhattan thanks to Carolyn
E 95-03-08 Big Apple Greeters tour with Carolyn at Atlantic and Court bank
E 79-05-11 Bill Solomon's brother's computer
E 56-09-16 Billy Graham in Rubber Bowl
E 99-12-03 Bingo at the Center with Carolyn
E 63-04-19 Birgit Nilsson
E 73-02-04 Biroff plays Messeian
E 79-03-31 Birthday party for me at Dennis's
E 65-04-19 Bitter End for "Guild"/"Uncalled-For Three"/"The Womenfolk"
E 57-12-05 Black Watch
E 86-08-15 Blackburns and Dorothy picnic in CP
E 81-10-03 Blake exhibit at Morgan Library
E 93-03-13 Blizzard of '93 starts at 3AM
E 61-09-15 Blue Angel for Dick Gregory and Clancy Brothers with Don
E 79-09-07 Blue Book Gala in Harlem
E 99-08-24 Blue Ribband Dreamboats Exhibit
E 62-09-15 Boat around Manhattan Island
E 91-09-15 Boat Tour 5:30-9PM of Brooklyn's coasts
E 57-06-30 Boat trip around Manhattan
E 93-06-12 Boat trip on Hudson with Sherryl and David
E 89-03-01 Body session seminar at Phyllis's
E 74-09-07 Body-builders
E 74-10-12 Body-building
E 77-09-10 Body-Building at Felt Forum
E 88-10-21 Bodywork party at Phyllis's
E 94-07-20 Bohemian Bookworm Booksellers
E 61-11-18 Bohrod and "Men" galleries
E 62-07-21 Bon Dance in Riverside Park
E 86-07-12 Bon Festival at 105th and RSD
E 61-02-01 Bon Soir (Clancey Brothers and Tommy Makem)
E 93-09-19 Book Fair on Fifth Avenue
E 91-09-04 Book Pub World
E 93-02-09 Book Pub World for one hour
E 89-08-10 Book shop in Strand/ Forbidden Planet/ Dalton's
E 89-05-11 Bookfair at 4PM
E 94-07-20 Bookshops: Skyline, Academy, Barnes and Noble Annex,Weisers
E 97-12-16 Border's Bookstore/ Asia House Mandala Exhibit
E 70-08-07 Boston paintings at Met
E 65-01-23 Boston Symphony at CH
E 67-07-04 Botanical Gardens
E 83-06-28 Botswana Tour Information from Rich Barber's
E 86-03-05 Boulez "Repons" at Columbia Gym
E 69-11-22 Bowling at Madison Square Garden
E 79-12-24 Brandenburgs at Bargemusic
E 74-04-05 Brazil Festival
E 96-12-01 Brentano String Quartet at Alice Tully through Audience Extras
E 96-05-30 Brian Theis at 6PM
E 94-01-02 Brian Theis photo exhibit and reception
E 94-01-02 Brian Theis photo exhibit and reception
E 96-01-25 Brian Theis photography opening with Charles at Onassis House
E 95-05-07 Bridgehampton Chamber Music Group at Jewish Museum through AE
E 87-05-21 Brighton Beach Boardwalk and Coney Island
E 70-06-19 Broad Channel with Arnie
E 88-09-16 Bromley at HIP at 8:30AM
E 86-04-19 Bronx Botanic Gardens
E 84-11-24 Bronx Botanic Gardens chrysanthemums with Sherryl
E 99-09-09 Bronx Botanic Gardens, trains, children's gardens, with Charles
E 70-05-03 Bronx Botanic Park
E 98-05-15 Bronx Botanic Rhododendrons with Vicki
E 79-07-08 Bronx Botanical Gardens with Don
E 65-05-23 Bronx Botanical Park
E 93-11-13 Bronx bus tour
E 92-06-14 Bronx Urban Park Ranger Horseshoe-Crab tour at Orchard Beach
E 91-09-20 Bronx Water-Tunnel tour with Spartacus
E 57-08-18 Bronx Zoo
E 60-04-16 Bronx Zoo
E 66-06-12 Bronx Zoo
E 76-09-22 Bronx Zoo
E 77-05-15 Bronx Zoo
E 82-10-29 Bronx Zoo
E 88-05-30 Bronx Zoo all day with Joe
E 94-12-27 Bronx Zoo and Botanic Garden for Trains with Paul
E 86-07-19 Bronx Zoo and Jungleland 12-6
E 99-11-14 Bronx Zoo and new "Congo" area with Vicki
E 90-04-22 Bronx Zoo and Orchard Beach with Vicki
E 99-12-27 Bronx Zoo light with Vicki
E 87-07-13 Bronx Zoo pandas/babirusa/galartoMonkeys/seal/polarbear/giraffe
E 74-07-16 Bronx Zoo with Avi
E 94-08-19 Bronx Zoo with Caverzasi family and "MacMahon 3"
E 84-11-26 Bronx Zoo with Dennis
E 67-05-21 Bronx Zoo with Madge and Joe and little Bobby
E 88-06-15 Bronx Zoo with Mark and Arn and Murray
E 89-11-11 Bronx Zoo with Sherryl
E 97-08-23 Bronx Zoo with Sherryl 11AM-6PM, lunch there
E 87-11-29 Bronx Zoo with Vicki
E 99-01-01 Bronx Zoo with Vicki and Mildred and Charles for lights,Trains#2
E 62-06-07 Brookhaven tour
E 99-12-26 Brooklyn 2000 laser-light show
E 84-01-18 Brooklyn and Manhattan lecture
E 87-06-28 Brooklyn Atlantic-Avenue Tunnel
E 90-06-06 Brooklyn Boro Hall tour
E 84-01-18 Brooklyn Borough Hall lecture
E 89-09-02 Brooklyn Botanic Garden
E 99-03-27 Brooklyn Botanic Garden (too-early spring)
E 88-04-27 Brooklyn Botanic Garden 1:30-4
E 86-05-07 Brooklyn Botanic Garden 1:30-4:30
E 88-05-03 Brooklyn Botanic Garden all day
E 86-04-18 Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Museum
E 88-03-10 Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Museum
E 88-06-25 Brooklyn Botanic Garden for roses
E 88-12-30 Brooklyn Botanic Garden free new Conservatory
E 90-03-04 Brooklyn Botanic Garden/Prospect Park Zoo Site/Lefferts Homestead
E 99-04-30 Brooklyn Botanic Garden with Charles
E 99-06-20 Brooklyn Botanic Garden with Ken
E 87-05-10 Brooklyn Botanic Garden with Susan
E 68-07-21 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
E 83-09-17 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
E 95-03-30 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
E 98-03-27 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
E 97-05-08 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens ($3) and Museum ($1): Women in Egypt
E 98-12-30 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens for Trains #1, lights and flowers
E 99-12-26 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens light-show at night with Carolyn
E 90-08-08 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens picnic with Suzie Mead and friend
E 99-04-21 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens with Carolyn
E 98-07-01 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens with Charles
E 94-11-10 Brooklyn Botanic Gardens: roses/pansies/sedum/photinia/btybrry
E 98-05-24 Brooklyn Bridge 115th Birthday celebration on bridge 6-8PM
E 87-05-24 Brooklyn Bridge Birthday Party Mid-Bridge 6PM
E 91-05-26 Brooklyn bus trip: Grand Army Plaza; Manhattan Bridge; Wash.Sq.Pk
E 93-09-06 Brooklyn Carnival with Ken
E 71-12-07 Brooklyn College for Mattachine
E 93-04-09 Brooklyn facades BCUE tour
E 87-12-09 Brooklyn Heights COP training
E 98-12-15 Brooklyn Heights Library for Brooklyn String Quartet for 25 min.
E 72-12-31 Brooklyn Heights Multinational Monopoly Game
E 82-05-18 Brooklyn Heights Symphony
E 82-02-09 Brooklyn Heights Symphony:MozartOverture"Abduction"/Mahlers4
E 99-05-08 Brooklyn Heights tour with Mildred
E 92-11-05 Brooklyn Historical Society for "Gay neighbors"
E 93-03-17 Brooklyn Historical Society for Green Wood Cemetery talk
E 91-09-05 Brooklyn Historical Society Heights Literary Tour
E 89-11-16 Brooklyn Historical Society opening with Spartacus
E 91-05-16 Brooklyn Historical Society tour of Coney Island
E 89-09-04 Brooklyn Labor Day Parade
E 62-11-17 Brooklyn Museum
E 67-07-15 Brooklyn Museum
E 68-01-07 Brooklyn Museum
E 75-06-26 Brooklyn Museum
E 83-09-16 Brooklyn Museum
E 91-08-10 Brooklyn Museum and Botanical Gardens
E 64-08-08 Brooklyn Museum/Botanic Gardens
E 87-02-04 Brooklyn Museum for "Machine Age" exhibit
E 97-01-02 Brooklyn Museum for Corot and Outdoor Landscapes
E 88-12-30 Brooklyn Museum for Courbet and Cleopatra
E 94-03-09 Brooklyn Museum for Egyptian and Indian exhibits with Charles
E 94-11-10 Brooklyn Museum for glass flowers in lobby and Indian exhibit
E 97-12-31 Brooklyn Museum for Monet exhibit/walk in Botanic Gardens
E 98-07-01 Brooklyn Museum for Romanov Jewels with Charles
E 99-10-01 Brooklyn Museum for Sensation preview with Shelley's ticket
E 98-12-30 Brooklyn Museum: "Artists&AIDS,"China,India,DomesticTransformatns
E 91-05-25 Brooklyn Navy Yard Tour
E 99-03-19 Brooklyn Orch: Bach Cantata #4, Stravinsky Mad, Reich Tehillim
E 95-11-17 Brooklyn Philharmonic (Harrison,Ling,Yanov,Bartok) with Carolyn
E 87-12-06 Brooklyn Post Office tour
E 88-06-25 Brooklyn Prospect Park Zoo with only 19 animals---it's closing!
E 93-09-08 Brooklyn rent meeting
E 91-06-04 Brooklyn Shorelines Boat Tour
E 87-04-25 Brownstone Fair at Brooklyn Union Gas
E 79-12-30* Bruckner Symphony #9
E 84-03-10 Brunch at Michael Blackburn's
E 85-12-25 Brunch at Michael Blackburns
E 76-09-11 Buckminster Fuller all day
E 76-03-28 Bucky Pizzarelli
E 81-06-30 Buddy Greco at SPQR
E 90-03-17 Bus tour of Marine Park/Owl's Head Park/Brighton Beach Park/Other
E 90-07-08 Bus tour of Revolutionary Brooklyn with Pope
E 68-03-12 Cadmus opening
E 62-06-05 Cafe Britania
E 63-02-10 Cafe Britania
E 66-08-16 Cafe Britania
E 79-10-22 Cafe Carlysle with Dennis
E 67-08-06 Cafe Cino with Rita
E 65-06-08 Cafe Engage
E 62-10-25 Cafe Nicholson for drinks
E 82-10-21 Caffe Roma dessert (Actualism)
E 88-03-18 Canadian Brass at Trinity Church
E 62-11-11 Candida at YMHA
E 84-11-30 Carmina Burana at St. Ann's
E 70-03-31 Carnegie Hall
E 99-06-27 Carnegie Hall: Lauridsen Lux Aeterna, Bach Magnificat Shryl&Chrls
E 62-10-11 Carnegie Inn for drinks
E 74-05-23 Carnegie Mansion
E 81-09-18 Carol Ann Schofield
E 83-03-27 Carol Ann Schofield
E 77-11-27 Carol Ann Schofield at Actualism
E 96-10-26 Carolyn's birthday party at her apartment
E 99-10-30 Carolyn's hippy birthday party
E 95-10-28 Carolyn's pot-luck apartment-celebration with sexy son Woody
E 93-05-21 Carolyn's presentation at Catalyst
E 66-04-16 Carriage in CP with Seaverses
E 80-01-17 Carrie Smith at Michael's Pub
E 92-03-18 Caruso's death (lecture at New York Academy of Medicine/Regina)
E 97-09-05 Casino Boat Cruise in Atlantic with Shelley 2:30-6:30PM
E 94-12-18 Catalyst for Carolyn's Christmas Party for her family and me
E 78-11-23 Catherine Ellis's for Thanksgiving Dinner at 6
E 79-11-22 Catherine Ellis's for Thanksgiving Dinner
E 86-08-09 Catskill Game Farm with Marty and family
E 95-09-29 Catskill Game Farm with Suzie
E 81-05-07 Cavett taping with Len Deighton/Celia Johnson &Trevor Howard
E 87-05-13 CBS Morning Show taping with Dennis
E 82-09-18 CBS Test: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Episode Trial
E 95-09-09 Central Park "blockhouse" tour
E 72-04-30 Central Park Birthday Party
E 98-03-23 Central Park Children's Zoo and pay-zoo with Sherryl free member
E 87-05-28 Central Park for cruising 5:45-8:15
E 87-04-21 Central Park Lake-Row
E 89-06-04 Central Park picnic 12-4 with Dennis and AIDS people
E 87-08-30 Central Park picnic with Dorothy Hunter's group
E 87-11-03 Central Park tour with Maya and Joyce; look at Irvington House
E 87-09-30 Central Park Tree Tour with Erik and Joyce
E 87-08-21 Central Park Tree Tour with Joyce Alaya
E 87-08-29 Central Park Tree Tour with Bob Geiger and Joyce Alaya
E 87-10-16 Central Park Tree Trails with Joyce
E 57-08-11 Central Park Zoo
E 90-11-27 Central Park Zoo (renovated)
E 61-01-27 Central Plaza for jazz
E 86-12-11 Champagne tasting at gym 7-9
E 98-12-18 Channel 13 store shopping, $100 3-D Manhattan puzzle
E 88-06-12 Channeller Rozanne with Vicki in NJ
E 72-03-14 Chapelier for Duveneck exhibit
E 60-03-05 Charles Engle at Carnegie Recital Hall
E 75-05-03 Charles Pierce at Top of the Gate
E 91-06-20 Chatwell Inn Hotel to visit Paul and Dick McLean
E 66-08-15 Cheetah
E 97-12-27 Chelsea Art Galleries with Mildred
E 64-04-17 Chicago Symphony at CH
E 58-12-31 Chicken Hut for New Year's Eve
E 83-01-19 Children of Alcoholics Talk
E 98-10-02 China class #1 of 5 at Hunter (next four weeks, too)
E 80-12-08 China exhibit
E 89-09-06 China Institute Photos/FIT Lalique Exhibit/Fantasy Archives
E 73-01-05 Chinese Acrobats
E 81-08-03 Chinese Acrobats and Jugglers (Datong)
E 66-10-21 Chinese Ball at Waldorf with Madge
E 72-11-19 Chinese Puppets
E 84-11-07 Chinese rocks at Brooklyn Botanic
E 76-05-26 Chris Conner at Town Hall
E 94-04-19 Christie's auction exhibits with Charles
E 96-08-15 Christie's Chinese Furniture, Asia House Scholar's Rocks
E 95-03-23 Christie's exhibits with Charles
E 88-12-25 Christmas at Ann and Nat's
E 63-12-24 Christmas Eve with Bill in St. John the Divine
E 89-12-22 Christmas Party at Paul Bosten's with Vicki and Joe
E 84-12-22 Christmas Party at Sweetwaters
E 86-11-23 Chrysanthemum exhibit at Bronx Botanical Gardens
E 84-06-16 Chrysler Building Cloud Club
E 70-01-29 Church of Awakening at my place
E 69-12-17 Church of Awakening Meeting
E 68-11-21 Circle H Ranch for 3-day nude marathon
E 61-04-27 Circus
E 63-09-27 Circus
E 66-04-09 Circus
E 71-05-27 Circus
E 71-05-13 Circus
E 77-09-16 Circus
E 79-04-21 Circus
E 97-01-01 Cirker's Auction 1-3:45 with Mildred
E 88-06-02 Cirque de Soleil with Alice
E 91-04-13 Cirque du Soleil
E 89-12-28 Citibank Trains #2
E 99-01-02 Citicorp Building for BEST Trains #3
E 70-09-18 Claude Kipnis at Hunter
E 60-11-26 Cleveland Symphony
E 69-02-04 Cleveland Symphony
E 65-02-19 Cleveland Symphony at CH
E 98-07-18 Cleveland: Rock-N-Roll Museum (Pei) and Science Museum
E 72-02-14 Clingan in Regelson's class at NYU
E 93-04-20 Clive Barker's "Art"
E 57-06-29 Cloisters
E 68-01-21 Cloisters
E 70-01-04 Cloisters
E 76-04-22 Cloisters
E 95-09-24 Cloisters 12-6 for Medieval Fair with Charles and Carolyn
E 63-11-28 Cloisters and St. John the Divine with Paul
E 66-07-30 Cloisters/St.Johnthe Divine/Bus tour of Village
E 86-07-06 Closing Ceremonies in Giants Stadium in New Jersey for 1986 Fest!
E 84-01-11 Club Mid lecture (Brooklyn?)
E 94-07-21 Club USA for book-party for Bruce from Mensa, with Bob Baksa
E 63-01-15 Cocktails at David Goodstein's
E 65-05-30 Coe Gardens and Bayard Cutting Arboretum
E 95-03-30 Cole Exhibit at Brooklyn Museum
E 69-07-21 Cole exhibit at Whitney
E 93-10-17 Columbia concerts aft and eve with Ken
E 97-05-18 Columbia University buildings tour 12:45-4:20PM
E 96-04-13 Columbus Church band concert on Gomera in Canary Islands
E 57-06-10 Commencement and Commissioning at University of Akron
E 88-05-14 Communal Dinner at Ann and Nat's
E 87-12-13 Community Dinner here:Steve/Liliana/Kevin/Susan/Joe/DS/Shryl/Viki
E 91-04-25 Community Meeting at Jewish Center on Closing the Heights Library
E 71-12-18 Composer's Forum at Donnell
E 69-02-22 Concert
E 66-07-31 Concert in CP
E 73-08-18 Concert in New Hampshire
E 63-07-26 Concerto Grosso at PH
E 58-05-01 Condon Riley Gallery opening
E 57-06-15 Coney Island
E 57-06-23 Coney Island
E 58-10-04 Coney Island
E 58-07-04 Coney Island
E 58-02-01 Coney Island
E 59-05-09 Coney Island
E 59-08-15 Coney Island
E 60-07-23 Coney Island
E 60-07-04 Coney Island
E 61-12-16 Coney Island
E 62-09-14 Coney Island
E 65-06-09 Coney Island
E 65-02-28 Coney Island
E 66-06-26 Coney Island
E 66-08-14 Coney Island
E 68-01-21 Coney Island
E 67-09-04 Coney Island
E 69-07-25 Coney Island
E 70-07-24 Coney Island
E 71-04-10 Coney Island
E 72-08-28 Coney Island
E 73-08-11 Coney Island
E 74-07-09 Coney Island
E 74-08-20 Coney Island
E 76-05-15 Coney Island
E 78-09-04 Coney Island
E 91-06-22 Coney Island
E 85-03-02 Coney Island 1:45 - 6PM
E 85-09-14 Coney Island 11:30 - 5PM
E 86-05-28 Coney Island 7:15-12:15
E 88-05-29 Coney Island 8:30-11:30
E 61-02-02 Coney Island/Aquarium
E 75-06-24 Coney Island Fireworks
E 65-07-04 Coney Island for no fireworks
E 99-09-01 Coney Island, ride Cyclone and Wonder Wheel, and Aquarium
E 90-08-11 Coney Island tour
E 95-03-25 Coney Island tour which Carolyn missed
E 89-06-24 Coney Island Tour with Spartacus
E 79-07-28 Coney Island via Verrazano Bridge with Edgardo&Marina&Sandra
E 95-06-30 Coney Island walk 11AM-3:30PM; I ride Cyclone
E 79-04-18 Coney Island with Rita and Denny
E 63-03-06 Confederate Pageant
E 93-09-05 Conference House on Staten Island
E 64-10-08 Connie Francis reception at Plaza with Jim
E 75-01-19 Consciousness-raising group (SF)
E 87-08-30 Conservatory Gardens in Central Park with Joyce
E 87-12-26 Cookingham party
E 82-11-09 Cooper-Hewitt
E 86-09-30 Cooper-Hewitt for "Hollywood" exhibit
E 77-05-20 Cooper-Hewitt for Brighton
E 95-08-16 Cooper-Hewitt Museum, Toy shop across from Whitney, walk CP/Paul
E 92-03-31 Coral Cities and Liz Phillips neon/interactive art at WorldFinan
E 98-05-22 Corning Glass Center on way back from Letchworth
E 69-11-24 Corot at Wildenstein
E 67-09-02 Cortland area
E 89-09-15 Cosmic Journey at Open Center
E 93-04-27 Costume jewelry at FIT
E 74-10-31 Costume party at Alice's
E 89-04-13 Course of Miracles with Pope (re-see Sylvan and Faye Levy)
E 66-07-30 Crazy Horse
E 69-11-19 Creative Playthings/Steuben glass/Tiffany's/Village
E 78-10-30 Custom House for American Indian exhibit
E 81-06-01 Cynthia Crane at Jan Wallman's
E 78-04-06 D'Adamo talk
E 86-03-16 D'Orsay Museum exhibit at Brooklyn Musuem
E 93-05-01 Dada Exhibit at Moma
E 98-01-17 Dahesh Museum, Forum Galleries (Pines, Hagin, Nedjar)
E 96-09-24 Dahesh Museum, poor
E 77-03-26 Dakota Staton at Peter Brown's
E 87-09-28 Dalai Lama at First Presbyterian
E 99-08-15 Dalai Lama in Central Park with Charles
E 66-02-27 Dali exhibit
E 70-03-24 Dali exhibit
E 95-10-07 Dan Neudell's party with Charles
E 94-06-11 Dana and Jody's gathering in New Jersey with Dennis
E 83-09-23 Dana's party for Amy
E 63-12-01 Dance Educators of America at Waldorf with Paul McLean
E 58-09-18 Danish gymnasts at 63rd St. YMCA
E 80-09-07 Dardenelle at Cookery
E 93-06-29 Darlene Love at Bottom Line
E 83-06-12 David Hoch's party
E 86-09-30 David Hockney photos at ICP
E 73-10-25 David's concert in church
E 93-03-27 Dead Horse Bay tour with BCUE and Rolf for Woodcocks
E 76-07-28 DeChirico exhibit
E 66-07-31 Delancy Street/Chinatown
E 92-01-15 Dennis Potter at Museum of Broadcasting
E 88-12-03 Dennis reads his play at Sherryl's
E 82-07-25 Dennis throws me a surprise party!
E 94-05-15 Dennis's "Birthday Brunch": Donna/Sherryl/David/Marvin/DS/BZ
E 89-10-30 Dennis's brunch for Mom and me
E 88-05-01 Dennis's brunch for Sherryl
E 87-11-26 Dennis's for Thanksgiving with Cathy O'Shea and more
E 97-04-06 Dennis's memorial in his apartment
E 96-12-29 Dennis's partyInApt:DS,LS,ME,Shr&Dav,BL,Pope,Lr&Lau,Marv,Vicki,Cl
E 88-11-24 Dennis's Thanksgiving dinner at 3PM for Carr and others
E 64-11-05 Detroit Symphony at CH
E 89-06-18 Dia Art Foundation
E 87-05-26 Diamond Center/Cartier/Tiffany/Oak Bar at Plaza with ECB
E 97-04-23 Diamond Sea art by Doug Aitman
E 88-05-06 Dick Holt's Bar Mitzvah
E 88-11-30 Different Drummer signing by Richard MacLain
E 95-06-16 Different Perspectives: Gay art at BACA gallery
E 89-12-24 Dinner and Midnight Mass with Paul Bosten
E 86-08-06 Dinner at Rosemary Feitis's, with my Fuzzy Navels
E 63-01-20 Diplomacy at Bob Teitel's
E 89-10-09 Dixon Place Benefit (Alice wins cake, I win Blue Note entries)
E 99-04-17 Djoser Tours for shows of Venezuela, Thailand, Tibet, Costa Rica
E 80-02-22 Dolly Dawn at Marty's
E 77-05-14 Dolly Parton
E 65-10-30 Dom for dancing with Madge
E 78-11-23 Don Maloof's for Thanksgiving Dinner at 2
E 75-12-31 Don Maloof's New Year's Eve Party
E 92-05-23 Donald Vining talks to Prime Timers at Gay Center
E 79-03-06 Donald Windham at bookshop
E 96-02-08 Donen Academy Tribute at MOMA through Spartacus
E 72-01-23 Doris Duke Gardens
E 79-05-30 Doris Duke Gardens and Princeton
E 70-11-08 Doris Duke Gardens in Somerville
E 76-11-26 Doris Fish's in Bronx
E 97-10-12 Downtown Manhattan towers tour, GREAT 50th floor
E 91-08-01 Dragon Boat exhibit
E 91-08-04 Dragon Boat races
E 88-12-11 Dreamings tour at Asia Society
E 77-11-30 Drinks at Wolf's with Lauren
E 79-03-18 Drive #1 to Staten Island Conference House
E 96-10-19 Ducati party at 39 Pierrepont with Kim Westen on upper floor
E 90-03-24 Duesberg with Dennis at Gay Center
E 79-12-23 Dungeons and Dragons for last time, 12-5PM
E 79-12-16 Dungeons and Dragons game at 11 E. 33rd St. 12-5PM
E 69-03-02 DuPre-Barenboim
E 94-01-29 Dvorak concert at BAM with slides and CD-ROM exhibits