Plays 1 of 2
P 63-01-24 Abe Lincoln in Illinois
P 93-12-02 Abe Lincoln in Illinois
P 95-04-15 Abridged Shakespeare
P 75-03-05 Absurd Person Singular
P 90-11-10 Abundance at Manhattan Theatre Club
P 71-02-23 AC/DC
P 90-04-11 Accomplice
P 83-07-03 Actor's Nightmare, The
P 60-12-31 Actors Ensemble
P 91-04-01 Advice from a Caterpillar
P 99-04-18 African Nights at Wings with MAN
P 64-01-26 After the Fall
P 67-10-28 After the Rain
P 96-09-14 Aftermath of an Eagle
P 83-09-01 Agnes of God
P 94-02-20 AIDS Hoax
P 93-04-29 Ain't Broadway Grand
P 80-07-21 Ain't Misbehavin'
P 72-04-28 Alice in Wonderland in Performing Garage
P 94-09-03 All in the Timing at the John Housman with Charles
P 61-02-11 All the Way Home
P 66-06-30 All's Well That Ends Well in CP
P 77-10-28 Almost Perfect Person, An (Colleen Dewhurst)
P 83-03-09 Amadeus (David Dukes)
P 98-05-10 Amends at 8PM after Games group
P 77-03-10 American Buffalo (Duvall)
P 61-03-15 American Dream
P 83-07-02 American Passion at Joyce Theater
P 90-04-04 Americans Abroad with Mary Vilaboa
P 96-04-22 An Inspector Calls, in London
P 98-04-08 Anadarko with Charles
P 97-05-15 And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little (Paul Zindel) with Marilyn
P 71-11-28 And They Put Handcuffs on Flowers
P 95-03-10 Andrew, My Dearest Love on 42nd St.
P 93-05-05 Angels in America: Millenium Approaches
P 77-05-04 Anna Christie (Liv Ullman)
P 93-02-18 Anna Christie (Natasha Richardson GREAT)
P 67-08-22 Anne of Green Gables
P 58-02-18 Annie Get Your Gun
P 63-06-25 Antony and Cleopatra in CP
P 89-08-29 Anything Goes (Uggams)
P 94-01-21 Apollo Comedy Hour taping with Spartacus
P 95-03-29 Arcadia with Charles
P 76-06-04 Architect and the Emperor of Assyria
P 70-04-06 Arena Theater of Sao Paulo
P 98-02-06 As Bees In Honey Drown with Charles
P 85-05-16 As Is
P 63-07-18 As You Like It
P 74-12-04 As You Like It (and we didn't; we walked out)
P 94-12-07 As You Like It (Majestic Theater with Cheek by Jowl Eng Co)
P 90-09-28 Aspects of Love
P 60-02-02 At the Drop of a Hat
P 57-08-14 Auntie Mame
P 99-07-22 Automatic Earth with Vicki
P 93-04-13 Avenu' U Boys
P 99-09-24 Avenue A with Charles, good
P 99-02-11 Babes in Arms with Spartacus at City Center
P 64-04-15 Baby Want a Kiss (Paul Newman, Joan Woodward)
P 58-03-27 Back to Methuselah
P 60-03-23 Balcony, The
P 59-04-24 Bald Soprano(Ionesco) and All That Fall (Beckett)
P 63-10-24 Ballad of Sad Cafe
P 89-03-07 Ballroom (?) with Joe
P 92-02-16 Baltimore Waltz at Circle Rep
P 98-01-07 Bashevis matinee
P 79-06-10 Bashful Genius, The
P 98-08-22 Basil Twist: Symphonie Fantastique with Sherryl and Charles
P 83-09-26 Be Still Thunder at ELT daytime
P 94-04-30 Beasts and Saints at Fordham with Mom
P 99-04-23 Beautiful Thing
P 98-01-07 Beauty, 8PM with Charles
P 98-08-27 Beauty and the Beast
P 79-11-23 Bedroom Farce
P 62-06-18 Bedside Manner at E.62nd St. backer's production
P 62-10-27 Beebee Fenstermaker
P 58-03-14 Before Breakfast
P 72-03-29 Beggar's Opera
P 95-04-01 Beirut (50-minute play!)
P 57-07-23 Bells Are Ringing
P 84-10-25 Bells are Ringing (ELT)
P 76-04-06 Bellybutton
P 64-10-13 Ben Franklin in Paris
P 95-01-12 Bertha Loves Grover
P 94-05-07 Best Little Whorehouse Goes Public
P 80-08-27 Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
P 97-03-09 Best Sex of the XX Century Sale
P 77-02-19* Bette Midler at Dana's
P 75-06-09 Bette Midler Show
P 64-02-16 Beyond the Fringe
P 94-03-07 Bible Burlesque
P 91-06-24 Bill Graber Monologue
P 93-10-30 Bill McMahon's play with Charles at Archives
P 86-04-07 Biloxi Blues
P 90-01-31 Black and Blue with Dennis and Alice and Joe
P 67-08-08 Black Comedy
P 80-05-22 Black on Broadway
P 61-07-29 Blacks, The
P 70-04-17 Bleecker Street Alogical
P 86-01-12 Blood Knot
P 58-05-30 Blood Wedding
P 93-05-22 Blue Man Tubes with Steph/Sherryl/David/Don
P 75-05-22 Bluebeard (Ludlam)
P 91-09-11 Body and Soul
P 58-02-03 Body Beautiful
P 95-01-25 Bodyshop
P 94-01-26 Bogosian: Pounding Nails with My Head
P 95-06-24 Born in the RSA at St. John the Divine with Carolyn
P 99-01-02 Bosoms and Neglect, good, with Arnold
P 75-08-16 Boy Meets Boy
P 97-03-09 Boy's Life---Bright/Love (don't remember what this MEANS, tho)
P 92-12-15 Boy-Girl-Boy (TDF) with Joe
P 74-07-27 Boys, Boys, Boys
P 68-05-02 Boys in the Band
P 96-08-27 Boys in the Band, not as good as the first time, but well acted
P 98-09-02 Bread and Butter (O'Neill's first) with Spartacus
P 63-06-15 Brig
P 57-04-18 Brigadoon
P 80-10-22 Brigadoon
P 85-04-16 Brighton Beach Memoirs
P 99-01-08 Britannicus at BAM Majectic
P 86-12-02 Broadway Bound (Simon)
P 58-04-12 Broken Jug
P 89-11-26 Bronx Tale, A (free by Joyce Alaya)
P 95-09-22 Brotherly Love with Charles
P 98-09-16 Brothers Booth with Charles
P 92-12-24 Bubba Meises (TDF) - awful!
P 66-03-16 Bunraku
P 66-03-22 Bunraku
P 96-05-08 Buried Child
P 87-10-08 Burn This
P 96-02-17 Bus Stop, sexy production with Vicki
P 64-03-15 But For Whom Charlie
P 91-10-18 Buy Nikon Camcorder for $1686
P 65-02-18 By Jupiter at ELT
P 60-11-16 Bye Bye Birdie
P 68-07-23 Cabaret
P 83-10-18 Cage Aux Folles, La
P 83-06-29 Caine Mutiny (Moriarty)
P 96-11-29 Cakewalk (Lillian Hellman and SEXY TV actor)
P 95-11-25 California Suite (Simon) with Don
P 61-06-15 Camelot
P 95-04-25 Camping with Henry and Tom, with Paul, good
P 68-02-28 Candida (Alley Theater in Houston)
P 74-01-06 Candide
P 98-09-03 Capital Steps with Mildred
P 99-02-03 Captain's Courageous (Treat Williams) matinee
P 62-02-20 Caretaker
P 61-09-04 Carnival
P 95-11-10 Carolyn's readings with her writing group on Union Square
P 57-09-21 Carousel
P 94-11-04 Carousel at Vivian Beaumont, fabulous
P 69-05-19 Casino de Paris
P 58-08-23 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Canal Fulton, Ohio)
P 75-02-08 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
P 83-10-05 Cats (side-stage with Mom)
P 82-10-09 Cats (standing)
P 95-08-29 Cats (time #3, center orchestra, rear-ish)
P 66-03-27 Caucasian Chalk Circle
P 95-08-20 Caucasian Chalk Circle with Charles
P 57-12-12 Cave Dwellers
P 90-06-05 Cemetery Club
P 99-04-28 Center of the Universe (Sternhagen)
P 70-06-12 Ceremony of Innocence
P 99-07-20 Cervantes Interludes with Mildred
P 58-01-23 Chairs, The
P 90-04-25 Change in the Heir, A, with Joe
P 64-11-01 Changeling
P 71-06-05 Charlie Was Here and Now He's Gone (Joan Sumner)
P 94-05-12 Charmer (great black actor!) with Charles
P 59-10-10 Cheri (Kim Stanley, Horst Buchholtz)
P 77-03-12 Cherry Orchard
P 75-05-19 Chicago
P 94-08-25 Chicago City Limits (improv) with Charles
P 95-04-27 Chikamatsu's Forest with Charels
P 82-03-16 Children of a Lesser God
P 75-05-18 Chorus Line at Public Theater
P 87-11-10 Chorus Line with Vicki through Star
P 94-04-27 Christina Alberta's Father, Vineyard directed by Andre Ernotte
P 94-12-25 Christmas Carol (Paramount Theater) with Paul, good
P 95-07-15 Chronicle of a Death Foretold with JerryCazale&Ernie& Amy & Udo
P 98-03-14 Circus Diva (gay in disco)
P 95-12-22 Cirque Eloise at New Victory Theater with Vicki, short and poor
P 91-07-24 City of Angels
P 68-05-21 Clara's Old Man
P 64-03-18 Clerambard at ELT
P 99-06-22 Closer with Shelley
P 83-06-30 Cloud Nine
P 87-07-15 Coastal Disturbances
P 69-11-24 Coco (Hepburn)
P 96-06-04 Coconuts at American Jewish Theater
P 99-01-13 Collected Stories with Sherryl
P 90-02-15 Come As You Are
P 69-03-13 Comedy of Errors (Hofstra with Avi's class)
P 67-06-24 Comedy of Errors in CP
P 94-12-17 Comedy Tonight at Lunt-Fontanne, awful, with Delores
P 73-09-15 Coming Out
P 87-04-15 Common Pursuit
P 70-11-08 Commune
P 70-08-20 Company
P 78-05-26 Company at ELT
P 96-04-23 Company, in London
P 57-12-21 Compulsion
P 66-02-06 Condemned of Altona
P 61-01-13 Connection
P 86-09-29 Connections (Marj Mahle)
P 86-03-06 Connections (Marj's revisions)
P 86-01-29 Conversations (Marj Mahle)
P 86-01-20 Conversations (Marj Mahle) workshop
P 93-01-05 Conversations with My Father
P 84-03-31* Coriolanus
P 65-07-25 Coriolanus in CP
P 95-03-09 Cornberry with Bill Peterson
P 57-12-19 Country Wife
P 65-12-12 Country Wife
P 59-05-09 Cradle Song
P 92-10-27 Crazy for You
P 82-12-02 Crimes of the Heart
P 90-02-28 Crowbar
P 58-11-29 Cue for Passion
P 98-09-10 Culture of Desire with Charles
P 93-08-28 Cute Boys in Their Underpants Fight a War
P 96-11-16 Cybele: A Musical
P 98-06-04 Cymbeling at BAM with Charles
P 84-10-06 Cyrano
P 97-11-26 Cyrano (Langella) at Roundabout, awful
P 64-01-15 Cyrano at ELT
P 94-01-19 Cyrano: The Musical
P 79-09-20 Da
P 99-12-22 Dame Edna at matinee with Spartacus from Audience Extras
P 57-08-07 Damn Yankees
P 94-06-21 Damn Yankees (Emick) -- good
P 81-10-14 Dance and the Railroad, The, at Public Theater
P 80-08-17 Dancin'
P 95-11-15 Dangerous Corner (Priestley/Mamet) with Don
P 89-10-17 Dangerous Games
P 66-03-09 Danton's Death
P 65-10-24 Danton's Death
P 58-02-27 Dark at the Top of the Stairs
P 70-04-15 Dark of the Moon
P 94-12-03 Das Barbecu
P 95-09-28 David's Discovery at 2:45PM (?)
P 71-03-05 Deafman Glance
P 99-09-16 Dearest Enemy (Rodgers and Hart) matinee with Mildred
P 92-04-07 Death and the Maiden (Glen Close/Gene Hackman/Richard Dreyfuss)
P 84-06-12 Death of a Salesman
P 61-03-15 Death of Bessie Smith
P 80-10-29 Deathtrap (Farley Granger, Peter Dent)
P 66-11-05 Delicate Balance
P 96-08-28 Delicate Balance (Rosemary Harris, Grizzard, Stritch, Murphy)
P 98-12-03 Delphi or Bust
P 66-03-02 Demetrius and the Shoe Shiners
P 92-12-02 Dennis's play reading at Roundabout
P 69-06-26 DeSade Illustrated
P 89-08-30 Desert Song with Paul
P 63-01-07 Desire Under the Elms
P 93-01-06 Destiny of Me
P 63-01-08 Devil's Disciple at ELT
P 99-01-03 Dinner at 8ish at Wings
P 69-02-01 Dionysus in 69
P 70-08-25 Dirtiest Show in Town
P 77-02-08 Dirty Linen
P 96-09-13 Disappearing Act--Gay Musical
P 75-03-21 Do I Hear a Waltz at ELT
P 64-10-11 Doctor Faustus
P 69-03-20 Does the Tiger Wear a Necktie (Al Pacino)
P 87-03-05 Donkey's Years
P 99-05-06 Doremi with Spartacus at City Center Encores
P 70-09-19 Dove Theater Company
P 78-06-29 Dr. Faustus Lights the Lights
P 73-05-11 Dr. Hero
P 72-08-11 Dr. Selavy's Magic Show
P 77-10-19 Dracula (Langella)
P 70-09-26 Dracula Sabbat
P 62-04-27 Dramatic Workshop
P 97-04-23 Dream from AudienceExtras with Marilyn
P 84-01-18 Dreamgirls
P 92-12-30 Dreamtime with Carolyn
P 94-01-29 Dressing Room
P 95-10-23 Drumlines reading for NRL
P 72-09-20 Dybbuk
P 97-12-03 Dybbuk (Kushner's adaptation), awful
P 95-01-21 Dylan with Charles
P 88-01-21 Dynamite Tonight at the Medicine Show
P 94-02-03 East Texas Hot Links with Joe and Charles
P 77-04-10 Easter Chester Mystery Play
P 97-07-26 Eastern Standard starring Andy Monroe
P 93-12-03 Eat, You'll Feel Better, with Bill Peterson
P 95-07-19 Ecstasy with Charles
P 98-04-01 Eddie Izzard with Charles
P 73-11-22 Education of the Girlchild
P 70-11-21 Edward II
P 99-04-06 El Cid with Charles
P 68-05-21 Electronic Nigger
P 62-11-13 Elizabeth the Queen at ELT
P 79-06-22 Enchanted Pig by Ridiculous Theatrical Co
P 82-04-12 Encore at Radio City
P 82-01-31 Entertaining Mr. Sloane (sexy Brad Davis)
P 75-02-11 Equus
P 68-03-07 Ergo at Public Theater
P 96-11-15 Erinyes at Hunter College with Greek company
P 64-12-01 Ernest in Love at ELT
P 88-11-23 Ethel Eichelberger
P 90-07-27 Ethyl Eichelberger with Alice (he commits suicide August 12)
P 61-09-27 Eumenides and Choreophores
P 78-11-28 Evening with Groucho Marx
P 80-02-13 Evening with Viveca Lindfors (and Kristofer Tabori)
P 98-06-03 Everyman at Majestic with Charles
P 67-11-17 Everything in the Garden
P 80-09-01 Evita (Patti Lupone,Mandy Patinkin)
P 93-07-17 Evita at Forestburg Inn
P 96-09-22 Evolution (AWFUL play from Columbus, Ohio, on Chambers Street)
P 94-11-12 Facades (BZ) and 7 other one-acts at Gay Center by VP
P 73-08-16 Faggott
P 79-04-03 Faith Healer (James Mason)
P 94-04-16 Fallen Angel
P 92-04-17 Falsettos
P 62-10-31 Fantasticks
P 64-07-09 Fantasticks
P 99-05-14 Far East (Gurney), awful, with Mildred and Carolyn
P 98-07-24 Faust (Fura dels Baus) at NY State with Michael, awful
P 88-01-12 Fences
P 95-05-04 Fever, The, with Charles at HERE
P 90-11-15 Few Good Men, A
P 99-08-25 Feydeau Festival with Charles, walk out
P 68-11-07 Fiddler on the Roof
P 98-04-02 Fieldwork with Charles
P 81-03-21 Fifth of July (Christopher Reeve)
P 94-09-21 Final Fling (Mary Orr) with Bill Peterson and Charles
P 74-04-04 Find Your Way Home
P 61-06-29 Fiorello
P 59-03-07 First Impressions(Hermione Gingold, Farley Granger)
P 83-06-14 Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Dance at Radio City
P 86-11-22 Flamenco Puro
P 85-10-08 Flash of Lightning, A (ELT)
P 98-03-28 Fling with Wings with Charles at Leslie-Lowman Gallery
P 96-12-23 Flipping My Wig (Charles Busch)
P 94-03-26 Flowering Peach (Odets, Eli Wallach, Anne Jackson)
P 64-08-31 Folies Bergere (in NYC)
P 76-05-23 Follies at ELT
P 93-03-03 Fool Moon
P 83-12-17 For the Use of the Hall
P 99-05-13 Forbidden Broadway Cleans Up Its Act with Spartacus
P 67-07-15 Fortune and Men's Eyes
P 80-11-19 Forty-Second Street (42nd St.)
P 92-02-29 Four Baboons Adoring the Sun
P 94-04-22 Fragments (Albee) at Campo on Bond St.
P 68-10-06 Frankenstein with Living Theater
P 94-03-04 Freefall
P 97-08-02 Full Gallop (Diana Vreeland) with Charles
P 64-07-08 Funny Girl
P 64-07-20 Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A
P 80-11-15 Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A, at ELT
P 96-09-17 Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A
P 86-03-16 Gala of Stars (WHAT?)
P 87-06-09 Garden, The (Minetta Lane Theatre)
P 95-06-16 Gay and Lesbian one-acts at Camille's
P 93-06-17 Gay one-acts at Wings with Kevin
P 96-09-18 Gay Rites (Mark Castle)
P 77-05-17 Gemini
P 86-01-26 Gertrude Stein and a Companion
P 91-06-12 Getting Married (Shaw)
P 62-03-06 Gideon
P 84-03-06* Gin Game, The
P 84-10-24 Glen Garry Glen Ross
P 74-12-25 God's Favorite
P 97-04-19 Godsend (GREAT by Rick Willett)
P 62-02-13 Golden Apple
P 70-06-27 Golden Bat
P 63-06-05 Gondoliers
P 60-02-20 Good Soup, The
P 99-07-25 Good Swift Kick with Mildred
P 96-08-24 Good Time Boys (just awful at Wings)
P 93-02-13 Goodbye Girl
P 84-06-13 Gotta Getaway (Radio City Summer Show)
P 96-09-14 Grace and Glorie (Estelle Parsons)
P 91-06-13 Grand Hotel
P 90-03-19 Grapes of Wrath (free through Paul)
P 95-07-07 Grease
P 59-10-14 Great God Brown (Fritz Weaver)
P 69-07-24 Great White Hope
P 94-01-12 Greetings---great surprise at channeled voice!
P 97-04-26 Gross Indecency (Oscar Wilde's trials)
P 97-05-20 Grove Street Theater readings
P 81-12-01 Grown-Ups
P 93-03-12 Guys and Dolls
P 58-08-25 Guys and Dolls at Musicarnival, Ohio
P 78-08-12 Guys and Dolls in Mountainhome with Art Ostrin in it
P 60-12-16 Gypsy
P 74-12-18 Gypsy (Lansbury)
P 59-04-11 Gypsy (Philly)
P 89-11-08 Gypsy (Tyne Daly)
P 69-02-05 Hadrian VII
P 68-07-20 Hair
P 69-05-24 Hair (London)
P 69-06-09 Hair (Paris)
P 67-11-02 Hair (Public Theater)
P 76-03-17 Hairy Ape
P 69-03-16 Hamlet
P 64-05-11 Hamlet (Burton)
P 64-08-01 Hamlet (Burton)
P 63-05-18 Hamlet (Grizzard) in Minneapolis
P 68-01-03 Hamlet at Public Theater
P 64-06-26 Hamlet in CP
P 95-03-22 Hapgood with Charles
P 57-07-08 Happy Hunting (Merman) with a FREE TICKET!
P 80-05-31 Happy Time at Goodspeed Opera
P 87-02-23 Harry, Rosie, and Slim (Marj Mahle)
P 87-06-16 Harry, Rosie, and Slim (Marj Mahle)
P 91-06-06 Haunted Host and Pouf Positive
P 92-06-13 Hauptmann (TDF)
P 86-03-03 Hay Fever
P 99-03-11 He Who Says Yes, He Who Says No (Brecht), 55 minutes
P 60-01-02 Heartbreak House
P 92-04-23 Hearts (TDF)
P 96-08-21 Heavenly Days at Glines, not bad acting
P 98-08-14 Hedwig and the Angry Inch (spritzed by tomatoes in first row)
P 90-01-02 Heidi Chronicles
P 95-08-12 Heiress, The (great Sherry Jones)
P 97-08-15 Helen of Troy (Euripides) with Charles
P 68-02-01 Hello, Dolly
P 60-03-09 Henry IV, Part 1
P 60-04-27 Henry IV, Part 2
P 98-05-29 Henry VIII at Majestic with Charles
P 97-04-20 Henry's Bridge (NRL winning play?)
P 98-04-15 Herbal Bed with Charles
P 94-04-17 Hide Your Love Away (Beatles manager)
P 65-02-27 High Spirits
P 60-08-07 Hit the Deck
P 94-01-06 Hit the Lights (Vineyard)
P 95-12-06 Holiday (Tony Goldwyn) with Spartacus
P 64-03-15 Homage to Shakespeare
P 91-07-27 Home and Away (monologue with withered arm)
P 69-07-23 Hoofers
P 98-06-16 Hot Stuff (Rick Willet), good, with Spartacus
P 99-03-17 Hothouse (Pinter) with Mildred
P 69-01-05 House of Atreus
P 76-08-20 House of Blue Leaves (Ct)
P 97-04-10 How I Learned to Drive at Vineyard with Ken
P 97-08-16 How Now, Voyager
P 62-04-09 How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
P 95-11-03 How to Succeed in Business (Broderick) with Don and Charles
P 83-12-31 Human Comedy
P 99-07-11 Humor Unplugged at Pace with Charles
P 84-10-23 Hurly-Burly
P 99-08-18 Hurrah at Last with Spartacus
P 94-05-14 Hysterical Blindness
P 91-05-28 I Hate Hamlet (Williamson)
P 57-10-05 I Knock At the Door
P 95-09-05 I Want My Token Back at Don't Tell Mama with Charles
P 78-06-15 I'm Getting My Act Together
P 57-06-25 Iceman Cometh
P 96-05-24 Ideal Husband
P 94-02-13 Illusion, The (Corneille, adapted by Tony Kushner)
P 64-04-12 Immoralist
P 63-04-30 Importance of Being Earnest (Denver)
P 99-01-01 Importance of Being Earnest (male) with Arnold, end
P 57-06-24 In the Golden Days of Good King Charlie
P 93-08-04 In the Summer House
P 97-02-08 In-Betweens, Mat with Spart
P 64-12-06 Incident at Vichy
P 95-09-23 Increased Difficulty of Concentration (Vaclav Havel)
P 95-07-08 Indiscretions (Kathleen Turner, Claude Jude!)
P 58-01-31 Infernal Machine
P 58-04-19 Inherit the Wind
P 94-03-05 Inner-Space two one-acts, awful
P 76-10-28 Innocents, The
P 84-06-09 Internal Combustion (Malcolm Groome)
P 89-08-31 Into the Woods (box seat)
P 61-01-28 Invitation to a March
P 98-01-16 Iolanthe at Symphony Space
P 98-08-13 Ion (Euripides) with Charles
P 99-02-06 Iphigenia Cycle with Charles
P 78-02-25 Irma la Douce: Art Ostrin's play
P 99-07-18 Irma Vep with Charles and Mildred
P 97-11-13 Ivanov (Kevin Kline)
P 91-04-11 Jackie Mason Again
P 92-10-25 Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well (Village Gate)
P 95-12-20 Jam on the Groove at Minetta Lane with Charles
P 58-11-03 Jamaica
P 98-08-06 Jayson (from gay comic-strip)
P 59-08-13 JB (James Daly, Basil Rathbone, Christopher Plummer)
P 93-03-10 Jeffrey
P 92-05-02 Jelly's Last Jam
P 89-02-09 Jerome Robbin's Broadway
P 86-02-25 Jerry's Girls
P 95-12-29 Jingle Belles (Varla-Jane Merman, Lady Bunny, Sherry Vine) & Paul
P 71-12-10 Joan's Play
P 69-06-20 Joan's terrible plays at Cubiculo
P 98-04-26 Jocker, The, for MAN at Wings, good!
P 68-02-02 Joe Egg
P 99-12-06 Johanna (reading by Barbara Kahn)
P 93-11-04 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
P 65-02-07 Judith
P 86-10-19 Juggler of Notre Dame (Marty's company production) at St. Barts
P 97-12-28 June Moon (revival) with great acting
P 59-01-17 Juno
P 60-06-08 Kabuki
P 60-06-13 Kabuki
P 77-09-01 Kabuki
P 82-07-10 Kabuki:Kanjincho(Tomijuro)
P 82-07-10 Kabuki:Kumagai Jinya(Kanzaburo,Tamasaburo)
P 82-07-10 Kabuki:Masakado(Utaemon,Ebizo)
P 82-07-08 Kabuki:Migawari-Zazen(Kanzaburo,Tomijuro)
P 82-07-08 Kabuki:Narukami(Ebizo(Danjuro XII),Tamasaburo)
P 82-07-08 Kabuki:Sumidagawa(Utaemon,Kanzaburo)
P 72-02-09 Kaddish
P 57-06-21 Kaleidoscope
P 93-11-03 Kentucky Cycle Part 1
P 93-12-12 Kentucky Cycle Part 2
P 97-05-29 Kevin Brofsky's One-Acts with Carolyn
P 96-01-27 Kevin's play with Charles at Leslie-Lowman Benefit
P 94-11-02 Killer Joe at 29th Street with Spartacus and Bob Lambiase
P 60-05-24 King and I
P 97-08-01 King and I revival with Charles
P 70-07-17 King Henry VI, part 1 in CP
P 70-07-28 King Henry VI, part 2 in CP
P 85-01-13 King John
P 67-07-22 King John in CP
P 62-09-01 King Lear (CP)
P 68-12-11 King Lear (Lee J. Cobb)
P 61-07-23 King of the Dark Chamber
P 70-07-29 King Richard II in CP
P 63-11-20 Kismet at ELT
P 93-05-05 Kiss of the Spider Woman
P 60-03-20 Krapp's Last Tape
P 57-07-11 L'il Abner
P 94-03-10 La Cage at the Supper Club (transvestites) with Charles, awful
P 99-07-17 La Terrasse at City Center basement
P 77-04-09 Ladies at the Alamo
P 72-10-25 Lady Day
P 80-02-08 Lady From Dubuque (Irene Worth, Tony Musante)
P 89-09-14 Lady in Question
P 87-06-14 Lady L (Lysistrata)
P 63-04-18 Lady's Not For Burning
P 83-10-09 Lady's Not For Burning at ELT
P 99-04-10 Lake Hollywood
P 89-06-21 Largely New York
P 79-11-10 Last Licks
P 97-04-23 Last Night of Ballyhoo, awful
P 76-09-16* Last of Mrs. Lincoln, The
P 93-10-09 Late Nights in theatre on 42nd (Joe's friend's benefit)
P 97-08-14 Late-Nite Catechism with Charles
P 93-08-24 Later Life
P 67-06-10 Laterna Magica (Expo 67)
P 94-07-07 Laughter on the 23rd Floor (Simon)
P 74-02-16 Lazarus at Washington Square Church
P 60-01-03 Leave It to Jane
P 90-04-10 Lend Me a Tenor (free from Paul, with Joe)
P 92-01-15 Les Miserables
P 58-01-23 Lesson, The
P 60-04-03 Lesson, The
P 86-02-18 Lie of the Mind
P 78-04-13 Life in the Theater
P 93-11-09 Light Shall Lift Them (John Kelly at Majestic)
P 85-09-25 Lily Tomlin on Broadway
P 77-06-12 Lily Tomlin Show
P 99-01-21 Lion King with Mildred
P 92-04-30 Lips Together, Teeth Apart
P 90-01-27 Lisbon Traviata
P 78-04-01 Little Foxes
P 81-05-09 Little Foxes (Elizabeth Taylor)
P 62-06-30 Little Mary Sunshine
P 65-05-21 Little Me (Mineola)
P 74-08-02 Little Night Music, A
P 91-01-23 Little Night Music in Sydney Playhouse
P 85-03-28 Little Shop of Horrors
P 76-07-18 Livin' Fat by Negro Ensemble Company
P 97-08-09 Living Matters, third reading by Ed Franco of his one-man life
P 96-10-21 Liza Minelli tribute at Beacon Theater through Audience Extras
P 81-02-27 Lolita (Donald Sutherland)
P 94-01-05 Loman Family Picnic
P 74-12-11 London Assurance
P 94-02-04 Lonely Planet at Perry Street with Joe and Charles
P 57-08-21 Long Day's Journey into Night
P 98-04-04 Long Day's Journey into Night (Sternhagen) with Marilyn
P 59-03-28 Look After Lulu(TammyGrimes/RoddyMcDowell)
P 57-10-31 Look Back in Anger
P 58-04-10 Look Homeward, Angel
P 99-06-24 Lopardi play
P 65-03-16 Lorenzaccio at ELT
P 91-07-23 Lost in Yonkers
P 94-12-22 Love! Valor! Compassion! with Charles
P 69-05-31 Love's Labor's Lost (London)
P 65-06-27 Love's Labor's Lost in CP
P 70-10-31 Lovers and Other Strangers (Joan Sumner)
P 64-06-25 Lower Depths
P 95-02-17 Lucia Mad with Charles
P 95-07-21 Lust, with Charles and Paul
P 63-11-28 Luther
P 59-12-02 Lysistrata
P 89-03-02 M. Butterfly
P 84-10-09 Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
P 76-03-27 Mack and Mabel
P 66-08-04 Mad Show
P 95-11-24 Madame Bovary: The Musical with Carolyn
P 74-12-14 Madhouse Company
P 93-10-07 Madness of George III, The
P 97-02-06 Magic on Broadway
P 96-08-17 Maids, at Sanford Meisner, good lighting, campy production
P 97-01-14 Making Porn (Ryan Idol, Blue Blake)
P 70-02-19 Malade Imaginaire (Comedie Francaise)
P 61-10-29 Malcolm (of James Purdy) reading at YMHA
P 76-10-22 Mama, La
P 64-12-13 Man and Superman
P 62-03-05 Man For All Seasons, A
P 69-07-21 Man of La Mancha
P 66-12-28 Man of La Mancha (Cleveland)
P 97-05-22 Man on the Verge of a His-Panic Breakdown
P 65-05-08 Man's a Man, A (Princeton)
P 85-11-17 Map of the World
P 66-04-26 Marat/Sade
P 76-09-19 Marathon '33
P 64-02-23 Marco's Millions
P 99-04-14 Marlene at Cort
P 67-06-12 Marlene Dietrich (Expo 67)
P 99-11-21 Marriage of Betty and Boo with Lina
P 92-04-22 Marvin's Room
P 57-11-21 Mary Stuart
P 83-01-19 Master Harold
P 96-05-17 Masterclass (Zoe Caldwell)
P 94-11-05 Matinee Ladies (Kevin Brofsky) at Music Theater
P 95-11-09 Matinee Ladies by Kevin Brofsky at Greenwich House with Don
P 96-07-12 McMahon's short plays with Carolyn at Westside Repertory
P 89-10-28 Me and My Girl
P 66-07-28 Measure for Measure in CP
P 72-11-24 Meat Rack
P 94-04-08 Medea (Diana Rigg)
P 72-05-05 Medicine Show at St. Clements
P 94-05-02 Medium, The, at NY Theater Workshop, with Mom
P 68-05-09 Memorandum at Public Theater
P 64-11-03 Memory of Two Mondays at ELT with Arthur Miller
P 89-12-06 Merchant of Venice (Dustin Hoffman)
P 98-03-05 Mercury (Freddie), with Charles
P 97-09-17 Mere Mortals with Charles
P 74-08-01 Merry Wives of Windsor in CP
P 88-11-16 Michael Moschen
P 76-08-27 Middle of the Night (14th Street)
P 86-06-19 Middle of the Road
P 71-03-18 Midsummer Night's Dream (Peter Brock)
P 94-12-14 Midsummer Night's Dream (Quinton) with Charles
P 92-08-28 Midsummer Night's Dream (with Dennis)
P 93-01-30 Midsummer Night's Dream benefit (Dennis)
P 61-08-13 Midsummer Night's Dream in CP
P 96-05-25 Midsummer's Night's Dream (Everett Quinton Ridiculous)
P 87-04-15 Mikado
P 63-12-31 Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore(TalluBankhead,TabHunter
P 96-11-13 Millenium's A-Comin' by Kevin Brofsky at Trocadero/CucinaFontana
P 97-02-05 Minutes from the Blue Route
P 60-05-12 Miracle Worker
P 97-10-11 Misalliance with Spartacus
P 68-12-05 Misanthrope
P 90-12-13 Miser (Bosco, Shelley)
P 63-05-19 Miser (Moliere) in Minneapolis
P 90-02-07 Miss Margarida's Way
P 91-07-16 Miss Saigon
P 95-08-28 Miss Saigon (side orchestra, second time)
P 62-10-02 Mister Roberts at ELT
P 76-05-02 Monty Python Live
P 74-09-18 Moon for the Misbegotten
P 73-12-19 Moon Mysteries by Jean Erdman
P 95-09-18 Moon Over Buffalo with Charles, Gerry, and Bill
P 97-09-21 More Stately Mansions (O'Neill, VERY stylized, with nude wrestlng
P 80-04-12 Mornings at 7
P 94-06-02 Mort Sahl's America
P 99-04-25 Most Fabulous Story Ever Told (Rudnick), good!
P 57-07-13 Most Happy Fella
P 92-05-20 Most Happy Fella
P 94-11-09 Mother's Little Helper at Greenwich House with Bill & Charles
P 96-05-08 Mother-in-Law + 2 at Dramatists Guild Gay Plays
P 94-06-05 Movieland (Quinton)
P 95-10-11 Mrs. Klein (Uta Hagen) with Charles
P 86-02-08 Mrs. Warren's Profession
P 76-05-01 Mummenshanz
P 96-01-04 Murder at Mincing Manor
P 59-07-20 Music Man
P 83-11-15 Music Man at ELT
P 87-07-13 Musical Comedy Murders of 1940
P 97-01-17 My Astonishing Self (George Bernard Shaw)
P 57-08-10 My Fair Lady
P 59-11-25 My Fair Lady
P 92-12-23 My Favorite Year
P 83-10-07 My One And Only (Tommy Tune, Twiggy Out)
P 86-11-11 My Papa's Wine
P 68-10-09 Mysteries and Smaller Pieces at Living Theater
P 82-12-30 Naked Highway
P 99-03-20 Narcissis & Echo at Wings with Charles
P 86-06-07 National Lampoon's Class of '86
P 97-12-27 Never the Sinner (Hate the sin..., Leopold and Loeb)
P 96-11-07 New Bozena, The, with Carolyn at new Cherry Lane
P 56-08-25 New Faces of 1956
P 57-07-25 New Girl in Town (Gwen Verdon)
P 63-02-20 New Girl in Town at ELT
P 77-04-07 New York Idea, The
P 95-10-22 New York Project of one-acts off Broadway with Don
P 95-10-16 New York Project of one-acts off Broadway with Charles
P 94-03-06 New York Rock, poor by Yoko Ono
P 81-09-30 Nicholas Nickleby 2PM-6PM and 7PM-11PM
P 80-01-21 Night and Day (Maggie Smith, Peter Dent)
P 93-12-04 Night at the Mineshaft
P 62-02-19 Night of the Iguana
P 77-02-20 Night of the Iguana (Chamberlain)
P 83-12-22 Night ['Night], Mother
P 72-02-20 Nightride
P 98-09-16 Nijinksy Speaks
P 87-07-16 Nineteen Eighty Four [1984] at Joyce
P 86-10-06 Ninety Nine [99] Commerce (Marj Mahle)
P 93-11-29 Njinga: The Queen-King
P 60-04-03 No Exit
P 76-11-09 No Man's Land
P 57-07-18 No Time for Sergeants
P 71-03-24 Noh at Carnegie Hall
P 66-10-14 Noh at Columbia
P 71-03-28 Noh in Brooklyn
P 84-04-04 Noises Off
P 85-09-22 Normal Heart, The
P 85-03-07 Northern Boulevard at AMAS with Art Ostrin
P 99-02-25 Not About Nightingales (Williams) opening, many celebrities
P 98-05-17 NRL "Out Together" festival of events
P 98-05-13 NRL full-length winner: Had to Skip the Prom