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DIARY 10391


At 7:30 on Friday he starts by saying that he has about 700 slides to show us! During the last hour, he'll show slides at the rate of five seconds per slide, and "let them speak to you." 5-6 years ago all the carbon-14 dates were MOVED BACK, which EXTENDED dates in Europe, moving the European Neolithic back to 7000 BC, bringing it more into agreement with tree-ring dating. This makes Indo-European culture 4000 years earlier than India and 5000 years earlier than China's culture. The area covered is from Sicily through Greece to Kiev, linking to Asia Minor. The Chalcolithic (copper) age of about 5000 BC and the Bronze age are dominant for Goddess Mythology. In 3500 BC, Indo-European invasions from the Caucasus brought bronze and male god mythology. The mother goddess reigns in agriculture, the male god rules over herding and fighting, leading to CONTRASTING mythologies. The Semites (which are outside the topic of the seminar) ALSO brought male gods: the Bible says that goddesses are abominations. The Goddess reigned from 7000 to 1300 BC on the mainland, with an echo from 3500 to 1200 in Crete and the Aegean. Information for the seminars prepared with Univ. of California a few months ago when he led a tour through Greece; the only OTHER time he'd been to Greece was 48 years before. There were two zones for agriculture, one the Caspian centered around the Caspian Sea, which later introduced the horse and chariot in 2000 BC; and the Southeast Asia area of the Thais, the Cambodians, and South Vietnam, which is as yet UNDATED, which was characterized by the pig, dog, and shoot-plants, and grains, mainly rice. The Caspian was the area from which all LITERATE civilizations arose; around 10,000 BC they developed animal domestication and SEED-planting, having sheep, goats, and cattle [and I guess, from my question on Sunday, it would be even BEFORE THIS that they would have come upon man's contribution to the child, paralleled with the CATTLE-breeding and with SEED-planting, yet they still had the GODDESS tradition]. Anatolia is a volcanic great plain of GREAT CRISES, and the first agricultural TOWNS developed of a pueblo (connected building)-type such as Catal Huyuk, from 7000 BC. They developed ceramics about 6000 BC. He mentions James Mellaart's book "Catal Huyuk." About 6000 BC there's a carving of back-to-back goddesses, one fucking a male, one holding a child, already evidence of the legend of "Giving birth to her consort," as in Egypt 3000 years later. The male is reincarnated in the child THROUGH the woman. Cybele, supported by felines, was imported to Rome about 200 BC, when she was flanked by lions. Eunuch priests of Cybele were SCANDALOUS, an effect of the turning INWARD of the populace in spiritual life, as is true in the US TODAY. JC characterizes the FIRST religiosity (as the Dorics in Greece, the Gothic in Northern Europe, the religions of Islam, Persia, and the Semites) as STRONG and the SECOND religiosity has the weakness of mechanism and economics, where the people turn inward and IMPORT cults from all around, with a subsequent GROWTH of these cults, exactly as we're doing today. The lion is the animal of the sun---the solar face of the lion is famous; if the sun is a GODDESS, the lion is her ANIMAL and the bull is her CHILD. Horns of the bull = the horns of the moon. The moon is the child of the sun-goddess. The Moon (and Jesus) is three days dead, and then reincarnated. The POWER of life is used to throw off DEATH; the SERPENT sheds its skin and is born again just as the moon sheds its shadow and is born again. On the 15th day, across a great plain or the open sea, a great mystic day, the setting sun and the rising moon will be the same apparent brightness and the same apparent size. The vulture is the incarnation of the Goddess that EATS US BACK for rebirth. Melanesian and Turkish cowry-shell eyes are the same. ALL EQUATORIAL cultures are connected; the first two he described are connected in ways that are still debatable. In the NIPPLES along the walls in Catal Huyuk are vulture skulls---the GODDESS EATS BACK when she's sucked. [These notes were RECORDED on the backs of DIARY 4360-4366, so I could take the OLD notes with me and still have paper to write on.] Later, the ram (male) is associated with the sun. In an island near New Guinea, little boys are given PIGS by the father to fall in love with to WEAN him AWAY from his mother. Then he sacrifices the pig, to sacrifice LOVE, as man must do. The boar's UPPER canines are removed so that the lower tusks can grow around and around to THREE rings. SACRIFICE of regular pigs increase the value of the pig AND of the owner---"becomes a real 32nd degree Mason." Sevtsev GUARDS the way to immortal life when SATISFIED by the sacrifice of a pig as a REDEEMER. Adonis is killed by a boar. Osiris is torn apart by his brother who is hunting boar, and Buddha died after eating a meal of PORK. I ask the question whether the human-likeness in anatomy or the similarity in TASTE might have been part of it, but he says no. The Goddess was VERY strong in Catal Huyuk. UCLA's Marija Gimbutas "Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe" is his source for the period 7000-3500 BC. After that area came the civilization of Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland, and Albania. The area between the Danube and the Dneister, including Rumania, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia was "Old Europe" between 7000 and 3500 BC. In 3500 BC the Indo-European invasions brought male gods, but females lasted until 1500 in Crete. Rumanian goddess carving from 5500 BC. In this area at this time, though there ARE carvings of men such as "The Thinker," yet the representations of women outnumber those of men 100 to 1. Long-necked bird, crane, associated with Goddess, as were the serpent and the pig. In a bowl from 5000 BC is something that appears to be SCRIPT, where Sumerian at 3200 BC is the first KNOWN script. 5000 BC also produced the first copper sickle, the earliest copper implement. Bronze, stronger, came later. Minotaur existed back then, a man-headed bull. Rumania produced stones carved into female fish goddesses. Labys was the symbol of the labyrinth, a double-headed ax of sacrifice. Cretan goddesses held two labys. Occidental religions SEPARATE good and bad---the old religions kept them as ONE. JC SAW, in Bordeaux, France, someone jumping OVER a bull, and has a PHOTO of it, so it CAN be done. Cretan hinds sacrificed after 8 years, by the waxing of the planet Venus. Women's religions put emphasis on EXPERIENCE and RAPTURE and ECSTASY and plants; while the MEN go in for dogma and theology. Lion on Cretan-goddess's head represents the TRANSCENDENCE of the field of Time and Space. Snakes symbolize death and rebirth in time and space. SUN never dies; the lion, disengaged, transcends the field of time and space. The mysteries: both are one, the light of the moon IS the light of the sun, the consciousness of man IS the consciousness of the eternal; at that realization, death has NO power over man! This to 8:35 pm, then break.
9 pm: Female figure from 20,000 BC France (Les Ezyees?), and from 6000 BC Rumanian figure seems to be phallic. Venuses of Willendorf and the Don, all are multi-semantic figures---inexhaustible in interpretation. 18,000 BC, birds of Mezin MAY be the first representations of swastikas. Four points around navel: WORLD mother. THOUGH reproduction doesn't stress phallic and vaginal symbols, it's still THERE. 500 BC: Rumanian long-necked goddess---supporting WORLD. Lots of Cycladic slides: the Venus of Malta reminds him of Calypso. Ephesus was famous as the shrine of female goddesses, and Mary was proclaimed the Mother of GOD THERE in 431 AD! 1480 BC Santorini exploded with more force than Krakatoa which colored the sunsets for 15 years. Tidal wave may have reached 900 feet high, and this is the date of the end of the world of the goddess. END of the Minoan and the START of the Mycenaean MALE gods. Santorini slides superimposed on the plan of Plato's Atlantis, which was 12.7 miles across. Pictures from the Athens museum.
9:20: Discussion and questions: JC: Evans had a GREAT INTUITIVE archeological mind, and he LIKES Evan's reconstruction as an eye-aid after all the unreconstructed rubble of other ruins. The Pharaoh, in court, was prohibited to blink his eyes! Arms folded squarely in front is the POSITION of the world-mother. JC says cultures were connected, and is impatient with the Jungian "archetype" images. Physical diffusion of Baltic amber to Egypt and Egyptian faience in Stonehenge says that the people THEMSELVES moved. Oldest OT book praises Yahweh as a warrior god in 1200 BC. Herders and warriors LOVE to fight. In goddess-times, there was NO warfare. BOTH men and women were sacrifices to goddess, not only males. Seed: you bury it and it lives. Hanucli myth: a time when there was no time. The Universal Equilibrium Myth: Group may trample FEMALE figure into the ground, TIME enters, and males and females become DISTINCT---the killed PARTS are buried and FOOD plants growing from them sustain the culture. Paul Wirz, in the West New Guinea Marindanim tribe, records that boys are initiated, they have ritual intercourse with a virgin representing the "original people" and the last one is KILLED with the girl at the moment of intercourse, and THEN they're pulled out, roasted, and eaten. The TIMELESS world continues UNDER the world of time, AS the unconscious is timeless and continues under the time-controlled conscious. If the conscious is pushed away, the TIMELESS comes up. The host is not a reminder of Christ, it IS Christ; the Mass is not a reminder of the Crucifixion, it IS the crucifixion. PRINCIPIUM INDIVIDUATIONES---that which makes one ONE and INDIVIDUAL, must MOVE to get to the TIMELESS, as in someone RESCUING someone, as in a GROUP experience: the experience of separateness VANISHES and you ARE the other to be saved. A transpersonal field. Mother is the FIRST OBJECT OF EXPERIENCE OF MANKIND. Women give birth to the PHYSICAL bodies; man gives birth to the spiritual body. He says that the African's stone (not cave) sculptures and paintings are VERY recent, males and females, connected from the first two areas. JC: "Who wants ABRAHAM'S bosom?" Indra is MALE. Anti-feminism is anti-NATURAL (as was Hamlet). I asked if the SOUL came "about" only when males "had to give birth to something, and he said "No," there WERE souls back then, as "body essences." Burial, particularly burial in FETAL position, is VERY connected to "giving/going back to Mother Earth." TOMB AS WOMB. Questions to 10:35 after the session ends at 10, though the next day he said he was SO headachy after answering all the questions afterward that he wouldn't permit them during the break during the next two days of the seminar.

SATURDAY, 10:12 am: Origin of Indo-European Peoples. It was recognized as far back as the 1780s that Sanskrit was related to European languages. Aryan (from the Sanskrit word for noble) is the name for Indo-Europeans. MAN is 3 million years old; RELIGION dates back only to NEANDERTHAL, 100,000 BC. Aryans came into "Old Europe" in 3500 BC and they ALSO went into India then. Who WERE the Aryans? They FOUNDED Rome, Greece, Persia, Vedic India, and came up with Buddha's "Nothing's better in the universe than a fulfilled being." Sumer is STILL the first "high civilization," and much of this material is from the "Journal of Indo-European Studies." Aryans: cattle-herders in grasslands of South Europe from north of the Black Sea between the Don River and the Ural Mountains about 4700 BC. 3000 BC diffused into Iran and Asia Minor; 3500 BC into "Old Europe." 4000 BC was the Early Bronze Age in the Caucasus, and bronze made better weapons than copper. They invented chariots: they were called Kurgan or Barrow (burial) or the Battleaxe people. In THIS culture, the sun is MASCULINE, chasing the shadows as the warrior-hero chases his enemies. Cyclic animals: bears who hibernate, deer who lose and grow antlers; peacocks who lose and grow tail feathers. Suttee from Sati, a Sanskrit word "to be": she was a wife, she died with her husband---that's what being a wife IS. Opposite: ASATI = NOTHING! INDIVIDUAL self-discovery is Occidental, opposite from the class destiny of the Orient. MALE dominance shown by 1) wife, and then 2) COURT being buried with the husband. War chariot a DEVASTATING weapon (this-day atom bomb) and swept ALL before it. 3500 BC towns were transformed into FORTRESS CENTERS. Mycenae Gate---1500 BC---same as BIG stone ring at Stonehenge, and they're related culturally! Gold-work slide from 1500 BC, mask, time-period of the Iliad. Poseidon MEANS consort of the Goddess; he had a bull's foot and trident that BECAME the pitchfork and cloven hoofs of the DEVIL. "Suppressed god becomes a devil." Indian hero, bull, moon, trident, leopard, serpent are all there. Aryans into India in 1250 BC, bringing Vedas. Indians descended from Aryans. Old Bronze Age survives IN STRENGTH in India. Linear B is prototype of Greek, about 1250 BC. Dorians were SECOND Aryans, as Achaeans were FIRST Aryan invasions. Dorians WIPED OUT the cultures. Zeus = Deus = Theos = Div (India) = Radiant---was a Dorian god. PLANTING exists in the DOWNWARD region, equated with Poseidon, the earth-shaker. HUNTING exists in the UPWARD region, equated to the sun and RADIANCE. 525 BC Pisistratus, Tyrant of Athens, said MAKE Athenian myths. Same gods in myths found in Arcadian cults. 800 BC: Homer, contemporary of Yahweh's text of the Old Testament. Old Centaurs were a FULL man with a "horse-outrigger." Hunter: How do you protect YOUR psyche when you constantly kill animals that may be superior to you in many ways? Return the blood as a sacrifice and let the victims return VOLUNTARILY. Initiation-rites are horrible for boys because of what a man of courage must learn to do and to undergo. Frenzy for human and animal sacrifices stretches along the Equator: Egypt, Mexico, India, Africa. The sun wouldn't MOVE unless it was sacrificed to. Mythology is a system of energy working/evoking and using symbols. Serpent is energy BOUND to earth; as bird-energy comes to the sky. Review mythology: Bastienne's "Elementary Givens" that are always cloaked in LOCAL terms. It's also ethnological and historical, comprised of, in the Indian tradition, Desi (pronounced Deshi) the local, and Marga, the Path, Universal. Myths invoke the participation of youth IN the society with transpersonal pleas ABOVE their ego-interests. When society says "We've USED you, you're OLD, get LOST," then you turn INWARD to the UNIVERSAL path. Christianity PREVENTS experience by emphasizing dogma. There IS no mythology of the future in secular societies, only laws of behavior. We NEED myths for the Marga (inward journey); we have to find our OWN, to help our OWN life, toward our OWN death. "Why do churches have plus signs on top?" LSD/Mystic: It's all WATER, the mystic swims, the schizo SINKS. JC: Thomas Mann and James Joyce influenced him. Mann goes from the WORLD to MYTH, from Buddenbrooks to Mountain to Joseph. Joyce goes from the MYTH to the WORLD. My question as to how sacrifice STARTED got "No one knows." Neanderthals had FIRST artifacts---graves with implements for afterlife---chapels with bear skulls and fire/hearth. "It's awfully difficult to project ourselves back to those times." Mythologies came from visions, probably Shamanistic drug-taking. A ritual is an enactment of a myth---participation. Drugs/breathing/fasting/yoga are all consciousness-altering. "100 Faces" is based on Freud-Jung; but the Freudian point of view, per JC, is the neurotic point of view of myth. Later, JC was mostly Jungian. JC recommends letters between the two. Freud: myth is biography; Jung: myth can be read for the psycho-biological BASE. Religion is MISREPRESENTING MYTH AS BIOGRAPHY, mistaking FORM for history. Virgin birth is a FORM, not an EVENT. THREE chakras have lingam-yoni symbols: the BASE as the birth of the physical body; the heart as birth of spiritual body; the third eye as the birth of the TRANSCENDENTAL body. Then at 12:30 we break for lunch until 2:08. Paris (the lounge-lizard) judges the three archetypes of Aphrodite (seductress), Hera (matron), and Athena (virgin). Ten years of initiation into the power of the female had Odysseus when he met Circe (seductress), Calypso (matron with whom he spent 8 years), and Nausicaa (virgin). Between the Land of Lotus and falling asleep on homeland shore, Odysseus is in DREAMLAND. Penelope weaves and unweaves (the MOON is feminine). Unasked question: you stressed FORM, so you don't agree that Aphrodite sprang from the SEED of Uranus? Hermes, the guide to REBIRTH, soul-guide, the psychopomp, second consort of Aphrodite. Slides of Hermes FORCING Paris to face the feminine "problem." Paris chooses Aphrodite, who promised him Helen, whom he takes to Troy. Then to "Iliad," and Iphigenia sacrificed to get good winds. Troy in 1180 BC; Homer about 800 BC. Hector quotes "Battle-Yoga": "You MUST do your duty." Theory: abduction of an image of the GODDESS HELEN caused the Trojan War. Pigs AGAIN very important throughout Iliad and Odyssey. Burnt offerings for RISING smoke is Apollonian; BLOOD offerings for FALLING is Chthonian. Odysseus tied himself to a RAM, the sun-symbol, to go TOWARD Sun-Land. Tiresias turned into a WOMAN when he puts his staff between copulating serpents, after 8 years turned into a man putting staff between fucking snakes. Scylla the Rock of Reason versus Charybdis the Whirlpool of Mysticism. If he was an EASTERN YOGI, he would have stayed in RELEASE in the Land of the Sun. Quest strain: "Who is my Father; how do I find my MANHOOD?"
Break from 3:35 to 3:50: "How Gods Are Put Together." 1) Artemis---this is mainly from a German author Nilsson that JC EULOGIZES. One of his books is translated: "Mycenaen Source of Greek Religion." JC traces cranes, deer, bear, bird, other images. "Artis" in Lydian MEANS "Bear." 2) Apollo came from Aperion, Hittite gate-guarder. Apollo is the lord of beauty and grace of dreams. Serpent-power and symbols of healing throughout. Delphi: Omphalos---NO note of what the NET over it was, though my BOOK says "Woolen bands, the AGREON." Delphi was for the WHOLE man: gymnasium, theater, temple. Apollo was Lord of the Music of the Spheres, playing his lyre on Mt. Helicon surrounded by 9 dancing muses. Nietzsche's "Birth of Tragedy" written in his 20s, 103 years ago, says that Apollo symbolizes the beauty and wonder of individuated forms, as in classical sculpture, while Dionysus symbolizes the dynamism that SHATTERS forms and allows for NEW life, as in music. AFFIRMATION OF THE FULLNESS OF THE MOMENT. 3) Zeus is BORN, unlike the Indo-European gods (Haephestus and Ares ALSO Indo-European sprang from Zeus). Questions start at 4:40. Another story: Zeus marries a woman before Hera, gets her pregnant, then swallows her and SHE gives birth to Athena INSIDE Zeus. "Symposium" as homosexual love, "pederasty as love-word. Prometheus is one of the oldest, most primitive figures. Nunnery and cathouse have SAME origin: temple girls! Unasked question: Know thyself from Delphi? To know God, you must BECOME God---the Son of God. Paul's "I live not, but Christ IN me." Gnostic in Sanskrit is BODHI. Gospel of Thomas again: The kingdom of God is spread over the earth, you can see it if you're ILLUMINATED. 5:05 break for dinner until 7:35: Theseus legend: incorporating MANY threads from MANY times and places. JC thinks that MYCENAENS were rulers of Athens FROM Crete---and that Theseus had a historical prototype. Joyce's motif from Ovid's description of Daedelus: "He flies from the province (Catholicism) to freedom (fame) by using an unknown art (his writing). Myths, like dreams, are constantly subject to re-reading. Lots of Picasso Minotaurs---Guernica explained. Break from 8:40 to 9:00. Greeks were never dominated by a priestly class; never had a holy book. 4000 BC beginning to have large towns, start of professions: differentiated castes; specialization. No mandalas before this. Composing mandalas is a great therapy for people who are scattered. Pottery from Sumer, Halaf and Samara. Four dimensions plus "up," "here" and "below" produces "the entirety of seven." Sumerian temples founded WRITING and math (based on 60), first notion of a cosmic order of planets and stars, to be understood mathematically. Year is 360 days long and 5 saturnalia days of chaos. They had a FIVE-DAY WEEK, which is ANTI-G. Mandalas operate in TIME as well as in space. Ambrosia is sacred milk of sacred cow. 3200 BC, domesticated bull and domesticated WHEAT. America in the South: turkey and CORN. Lion kills bull; sun slays moon. Sumer EYE motif is ARRESTING. 2350 BC, Sargon of Akkad, GREAT bronze---LOVELY face from 3200 BC. 2000 BC: high point of Sumer---King Gudea of Lagash, ziggurat, art. "Elite aristocratic minorities LIVING mythology to the hilt" as force of civilization/ progress. 1700 BC: Sun-god gives law to Hammurabi. Egyptian king carries thresher (farm) and crook (herder/hunter). Osiris legend again. Two eyes in column are the eyes of Osiris in his tree. Isis IS the throne, the Pharaohs only come and go. "The Eye of Horus" is the archetypical sacrifice. Tibetan Book of the Dead is beautiful. Akhenaton was the first Protestant. Moses IS an Egyptian name, meaning "son." Break from 10 pm onward; start 10:15 am Sunday. The "mystery" of the mysteries IS THAT IT WAS KEPT. Intro by Eranos lectures "The Mysteries" of Bollingen Series in Ascona. Demeter gave the Greeks and secret of agriculture from Eleusis. In Greece, they harvest in the spring and plant in the fall, and the seed is kept in silos UNDERGROUND through the heat of the summer. Pluto (means WEALTH) is found in the ground as GRAIN. When no more DESIRE for life or FEAR of death, you TRANSCEND living and are ENLIGHTENED---the plate of Peleus being (a man) "initiated" by Thetas (goddess) by being bitten by snakes on third eye, "eye of vision," at ear, "music of life," and at heel, "death of Achilles."
Note to JC in private: the hands in the Greek key/lock are not of COMBAT but they're both the hands of HERCULES. Socrates mentions, with respect, his initiation to the Eleusinian mysteries. "Iakkos" was cry of greeting at REVELATION-MOMENT. Demeter---torch up---purifying UPWARD air (sits on a serpent basket that LOOKS like the omphalos); Persephone---torch down---purifies DOWNWARD air. "Veiled basket" held over veiled INITIATE, and ONE basket has fruit and a phallic symbol, in ANOTHER basket is a CHILD. Mysteries MAY have changed during its 6 centuries of "doing." Triptolymos is the YOUTH to whom Demeter gives grain first. Photo: Gea gives youth in cornucopia to Demeter. Symbolism HAS to do with agriculturalists sowing and reaping. Could it be the secret that the COCK helps give birth to the child? Idea: If there's no CRISIS, the spiritual seed won't develop. CHRISTIAN writers scoffed at idea that a stalk of grain being held up would be the climax of a mystery, but NOT the idea that holding up BAKED grain (host) at the MASS is an anticlimax. Baubo performs an obscene dance and rips Demeter out of her sorrow for Persephone. Japan has a sun-goddess who hides in a cave and is lured out by an obscene dance. Hem of Kore's dress (virgin goddess) has animal-headed dancers that remind JC of Tibetan Dakinis (the "space-fairies") that dance at the EDGE of death. You can't accept life UNTIL you accept death. Mann: death as CLOWN and death; SEX as clown and seriousness. BEATING of the earth produces seed, and beating is connected with Eleusinian mysteries. Pompeian wall mural: initiator holding concave bowl to initiated. Helper holds out mask of old age, and they SAY that the person looking is EXPECTING to see his YOUNG face and sees his OLD face. The American Indians have the tradition of the LONG BODY---one body going from Childhood to Old Age. JC ALSO says that Buddhist initiators are dressed as a Bodhisatva, say they'll be shown the Buddha, and are shown THEMSELVES. Pandora's box is life---life is sorrow; joy comes from TRANSCENDING life. PROPER art is static; kinetic art produces DESIRE, movement, more. Thatagata: the "thus-there" Buddha. Prometheus (foresight) and his brother Epimetheus (hindsight). Now to DIONYSIAN mystery: Dionysus born from the FOREHEAD of Zeus, and they're BOTH pre-Aryan gods. Dionysus MEANS "second born." Physical life from the mother; spiritual life from the father. Krishna playing flute for Gopis is VERY Dionysian. Also Dionysian HEAD in the basket. Rumanian gold plate "has the initiation." Orpheus fishes a "man" out to make him into a MAN. Baptism makes men into FISH for a moment, dipped in water. Pine cone for SEED, palm, poppy, cornucopia, cup, torch. Heracles dressed as a WOMAN indicates TRANSCENDENCE of paired sexes. M/F = 1; Castor (mortal)/Pollux (immortal) = 1 ALSO. Now "Back to the world"---since we can't stay realized FOREVER. "When you give yourself up, you have the song of nature." Life is life EATING life. ORPHIC legend: (Dionysus is actual physical orgiastic action) strong aesthetic activity, reading groups. In a CHRISTIAN catacomb, a ceiling with not Christ but Orpheus in the center. Another bowl of 16 people standing naked in reverence before a spiral serpent with wings. Orpheus/Bacchus crucified on a 5th-century fragment. In AZTEC heaven are MEN who died in battle and WOMEN who died in CHILDBIRTH. "Men are initiated and women are not because women ARE the mystery---they're initiated at the first menstrual cycle and at their first childbirth. Una Standard wrote "Adam's Rib" in the Nov-Dec 1970 Transaction, the story of the birth of man's part in birth. Only in 1875 did they find that men produced HALF the chromosomes. 12:10 to 1:02 the "slide show," five seconds per slide. Hera had Haephestus WITHOUT a male. "Greeks far too advanced to think of fertilizing through navel." "He knows of NO secrets, mysteries, or icons of "man discovering he's responsible for child," reminded of "couvade" of primitives, where MEN go through the birth pains, too. And THAT'S the end of the notes from the SECOND Joseph Campbell Seminar.