Any comments or questions about this site, please contact Bob Zolnerzak at




DIARY 13207



I wanted to include some of the comments from some of the letters, but this is already a lot of stuff to send---at this point I can't afford the time or reproduction costs. Most of you realized that YOU were the j/o addicts who were going to furnish the secrets. For those of you who thought you were going to get something invented by one person---that's not a lot of fun. The first questionnaire, which follows, says a lot about me, but all of us want to find out what turns on all of YOU out there. No one is expected to answer EVERY question in detail---just get in all the good stuff about what it is that turns YOU on, how and why and with all the juicy details. If a Y for Yes or N for No fits into the space, write it. If you write or (I hope) type answers, PLEASE indicate the question number: D or D11 or T or P2 or Y10 or whatever. Spread the questions around to as many of your friends as you want; the more secrets, the better we'll all feel. But please have patience with results; they'll take TIME. You'll see that the secrets are divided into twenty sections, each with a letter. If you want to FIND OUT about Clothing, Stimulants, and Auditory devices, for instance, you want to read sections C, S, and A. EACH SECTION costs 504 to help pay for the costs of my time, typing, reproducing, and mailing. If you want three sections, that's $1.50; if you want all twenty sections, that's $10. But I doubt that anyone will be interested in EVERYTHING. Again, please have patience for the results.

JOYI, Box 1031, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11201


D = Descriptions: describe your cock fully. What is it like?
D1) Length of cock: a) soft b) hard c) at orgasm
D2) Circumference of cock: a) soft b) hard c) at orgasm
D3) Your body: )a height b) weight c) color d) build
D4) Circumcised?
D5) Describe head of cock
D6) Describe veins on cock
D7) Describe balls
D8) Describe pubic hair
D9) Describe body hair
D10) Does your cock juice? How much?
D11) Describe the biggest cock you ever saw. What was it like?

T = Techniques: describe how you j/o. How does it feel?
T1) Do you use fingers and thumb, closed fist, one finger, rub against things?
T2) Can you cum without touching your cock at all? How does it feel?
T3) Can you lick your own cock? Suck yourself? Lick your own balls? How does it feel?
T4) Do you tease your cock until it "almost" cums? How many times before you cum?
T5) How fast do you move your cock to cum? VERY fast, very slow, or in between? How?
T6) Have you bound your cock so you cum but don't shoot? How does it feel?
T7) Exactly how do you produce your most sensational cums? How long does it take?
T8) Do you have any techniques that you think too few people know about? What are they?
T9) Do you "mini-cum": cum just a bit before REALLY shooting your load? How many times?
T10) Do you ever NOT cum after playing and jerking? Why? How does it feel?

N = Names: Give as many names as you know for these and any other good words
N1) Cock
N2) J/O
N3) Cum (the liquid)
N4) Juice (the liquid)
N5) Balls
N6) Pubic hair
N7) Tits
N8) Ass
N9) Cum (have orgasm)
N10) Juice (to drip)
N11) Orgasm
N12) Shoot

F = Frequencies: how often or when
F1) How often j/o in a week?
F2) How often would you LIKE j/o in a week?
F3) How often j/o at maximum activity?
F4) How often do you cum in one session?
F5) What's the MOST times in one session?
F6) How long can you keep one erection?
F7) How long is the FASTEST you've ever cum?
F8) The SLOWEST you've ever cum?
F9) Does your cock feel best with little or much j/o? How much?

P = Partners: if you ALWAYS j/o alone, just say so and skip this section
P1) Do you like someone to watch you j/o? How many? Who? What are they doing?
P2) Do you like to watch someone j/o? How many? Who? What are you doing?
P3) Do you like them to shoot? In the air? In your mouth? On themselves? On you?
P4) Do you j/o with a group? How often? Where? How many in group? How long?
P5) Do you j/o with members of your own family? Who? How often? Where? When?
P6) How many cocks have you played with at one time? How? How did it feel?
P7) What's the most exciting thing you've done with someone else's cock in j/o?
P8) Do you find it more exciting when you or someone else jacks off YOUR cock? Why?
P9) Do you find it more exciting when you or someone else jacks off HIS cock? Why?
P10) How does j/o compare with fucking and sucking? Why?
P11) Do you j/o with women? How do they compare with men? Which do you prefer?

V = Visual devices
V1) What's the most exciting thing a partner can do to turn you on visually?
V2) Do you use magazines, films, slides, drawings? Which ones specifically? Why?

L = Lubricants and liquids
L1) What lubricants or soaps or lotions do you use on your cock in j/o?
L2) Do you freeze your cum over ice cream for a cum sundae?
L3) Eat cum-sicles?
L4) Do you shoot into your own mouth? Like the taste of your own cum? Others' cum?
L5) Do you count pre-cum drops or after-cum drops? How many? What are they like?
L6) Have you ever measured how much or how far you shoot? Or how many times cock jerks?
L7) What's the most cum you've ever seen at once? How did it happen? How did it feel?

C = Clothing
C1) Does any particular clothing turn you on in j/o? Jock straps? Torn clothing?
C2) Do you j/o clothed or in the nude? Why? How do you like partners to be clothed?
C3) Do uniforms turn you on? Which ones? Why?
C4) What materials? Leather? Silk?
C5) Do you have a j/o costume? Rubber? Cotton? Wool? Fur? Feathers? Mylar? Tape?

S = Stimulants
S1) Do you like to j/o after beer? Booze? Poppers? Grass? Hash? Coke? Speed? DMT? Downers? Uppers? Heroin? Mescaline? LSD? Anything else?
S2) Do you cum with your cock in honey? Mud? Sand? Soup? Beer? Egg whites? Piss? Shit? Bathwater? Waterfalls? Ice? Fruit? Anything else?

A = Auditory devices
A1) Do words during j/o turn you on? Yours? Someone else's? What words work best?
A2) Do you j/o on the phone? With whom? How often? Does your partner cum too?
A3) Do you j/o with music? Drums? TV? Water sounds? Radio? Other sounds?

K = Kicks: What REALLY gets you going??
K1) Do you fantasize or do you concentrate on your own cock? What do you fantasize?
K2) What turns you on? Cock? Balls? Nipples? Assholes? Mouths? What else?
K3) Do you j/o for money, or in front of a paying audience? How much do you get?
K4) Do you use mirrors? How?
K5) What hardware do you use with j/o? Cockrings? Rubber bands? Leather straps? Scissors? Matches? Candles? Fruit? Other things?
K5) Do you ever eat or drink anything to make your cum taste different? Cock bigger?
K6) Do you j/o by inserting things into your cock slit? What? How does it feel?
K7) Do you j/o by using vibrators, electrical appliances, j/o machines? Which ones?
K8) Do you j/o animals, or have animals j/o you? Which ones?
K9) Do you use flavorings in j/o? Jams? Jellies? Syrups? Gravy? Toothpaste? Juice? Commercial products? Artificial colorings? Other tastes?
K10) What smells turn you on?
K11) What feels turn you on?
K12) What positions?

W = Where and when do you j/o
W1) Where do you usually j/o?
W2) Where's the strangest place you ever did j/o?
W3) Where would you like to cum but haven't yet?
W4) Where is the most exciting?
W5) When do you find j/o most exciting? Mealtimes? Midnight? Winter? After baths?
W6) Do you shoot into other people's foreskins?
W7) Where outdoors do you j/o?

Y = Youthful activities: what was j/o like when you were a kid?
Y1) Year of birth?
Y2) Year of first j/o?
Y3) Year of greatest j/o activity?
Y4) Religion practiced in youth?
Y5) How did you j/o for the first time?
Y6) Who were your first partners? Your first group? Whose cum did you first taste?
Y7) If someone taught you, who was it? Where? How? How did it feel? See him again?
Y8) What did you do in j/o then that you never do now? Why?
Y9) What do you do in j/o now that you never did then? Why?
Y10) What's the most exciting thing you've ever done with your cock in j/o?

G = Goals: where do you want to go from here?
G1) What are some exciting things you want to do in j/o but haven't done yet?
G2) What well-known people would you like to j/o? What would they do with you?
G3) What do you think about simultaneous orgasms? How many have you had?
G4) Do you think you'll ever stop j/o? Why or why not?

B = Blood and S/M and scat
B1) Do you make your cock or someone else's cock bleed? How? How does it feel?
B2) Do you use piss or shit in j/o? How? How does it feel?
B3) Do you use S/M in j/o? How? How does it feel?

H = Heavies and hurts
H1) Do deformities or catastrophes turn you on? How? How does it feel?
H2) Do you think about losing your potency? When? What do you think?
H3) Do you think about cutting it off? Cutting someone else's off? Mutilations?

R = Regrets
R1) Do you have regrets about anything connected with j/o? What?

Q = Questions
Q1) What questions should be asked in addition to these? Answer them.

X = X-Rated
X1) What are your deepest, inmost, most secret j/o secrets? Details?

U = Uncontrolled fantasies
U1) What are the most far-out j/o fantasies? Details?


DIARY 13209



Thanks for all your responses. Lots of good stuff out there, and there are lots of sexy new ideas and secrets to be shared. Since answers are still coming in, I want to make sure everyone has his last chance to respond. So I'll say that the cutoff for all the responses is set for August 31. So if you want your answers included, be sure to send them before August 31, 1978. Then I'll send out pages and pages of good stuff, according to your requests, during the month of September. Thanks (to those who sent in their hot bucks as early as February) for being so patient. It's worth the wait! There have been a lot of requests for lists of names and addresses for exchanging letters and phone calls. I really don't want to get into that. if YOU want to get into that, send a buck to Ted Steell, P.O. Box 3427, San Francisco, CA 94119, and he'll send you a list of over 200 guys from all parts of the country and the world who are into just that. He's a great guy.

Q = Questions: What questions should be asked in addition to these? Here's more questions. If any of them turn you on, remember that you have only until August 31 to answer them.

1. Describe EXACTLY what your cock, balls, and body FEEL like JUST BEFORE and AT orgasm.
2. What's the BEST j/o material in a) Books b) Movies c) TV d) Magazines e) Other?
3. If everyone j/o'd at the same time, would the whole world feel better? SET A TIME!
4. Ever get the idea that ALL sex is ONLY mutual j/o, as some people think that ALL conversation is ONLY mutual monologues? How do you feel about that idea?
5. What LARGER aspects is the orgasm an image of? a) LIFE as an orgasm? b) Thoughts as mental masturbation? c) Campaigning and election as foreplay and orgasm? d) Planning and taking a TRIP as foreplay and orgasm? e) Religious experiences, Tantric Yoga, cosmic union as j/o? f) Jewel in the heart of the lotus as semen? g) Shitting as orgasm? h) Death as orgasm? i) Universe as God's j/o j) Reincarnation as cycle of masturbation? k) Quests (like Grail, Ring, Father, Roots) as quests for orgasm?
6. Why is talking about j/o so attractive to some and so repulsive to others?
7. Do males have masturbatory plateaus as female have plateaus in sex? How do you do it?
8. Adding to list of partners: Do you j/o with infants?
9. Would it be possible to set up a diagnosis of HEALTH through textures and tastes and looks and smells and frequencies and amounts of semen and orgasms? Would it work?
10. Would you like to die at j/o? Would you j/o if you KNEW you'd die at j/o SOME day?
11. What about extraterrestrial, otherworld j/o? Close Encounters of a J/O Kind?
12. Adding to techniques: Can you cum without touching while being fist fucked?
13. Adding to kicks: Do you use anal masturbation devices or vibrators?
14. Did you ever try someone ELSE'S method of j/o? How did you do it? How did it feel?
15. Ever j/o by rolling around, or dancing, or doing exercise, or pumping your ass, so that the cum flew all over the place? What did it look like? How did it feel?
16. If you were in an AUDIENCE for a j/o session, what would you like to see? How much would you pay? Only free? What would you be willing to do AS a part of the audience?
17. If you gave a PERFORMANCE for a j/o audience, what would you like to do? Free? How much would you ask in payment? What would you want the audience to be doing?
18. Can you shoot "on demand" in exactly 1 second, 10 seconds, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour?
19. What sights, sounds, smells, touches, feels would give you your ULTIMATE j/o?
20. If you were told you could ATTEND j/o parties ONLY if you hosted one in your own place or a place you arranged for, would you attend j/o parties? How many could YOU invite? What "house rules" would you set up? What would a fantasy evening be like at your place, depending on whether there were 2 or 10 or 100 or 1000 people at your place?
21. How would you entice a humpy stud into a hot j/o session with you?
22. Would you rather be the STAR or in the CHORUS or in the AUDIENCE at a j/o session? All?
23. If j/o groups would be forming, how far could you go to participate? How often? How much would you want to spend for admission and buying special "talent" for the session?
24. If you BOUGHT a j/o book, movie, or TV cassette, what would you want to see in it?
25. If someone published a BOOK of responses to these questions, would you guy it? Do you know anyone who would be willing to publish these responses in a big, thick, juicy book?
26. What were some of the sexy, turned-on, first reactions to the ad in the Advocate?
27. What were some of the turned-on reactions to the first reading of the questionnaire?
28. Do you like a partner to suck you off and feed your own cum back into your mouth? What is this activity called? How many cums would you like to deal with at once?
29. Are you interested in breaking records like longest, shortest, thinnest, thickest cock? Longest or shortest times to come once, twice, as many times as possible in a session?
30. What questions should be asked in addition to these? Answer them now; this is the end!

Most answers to these questions will be included with other sections, but some will stay in section Q for those who requested that section.

JOYI, BOX 1031, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11202


DIARY 13307



There's been some confusion about sending for results of the questionnaires. I'll repeat the following section verbatim from the first JOYI mailing: "You'll see that the secrets are divided into twenty sections, each with a letter. If you want to FIND OUT about Clothing, Stimulants, and Auditory devices, for instance, you want to read sections C, S, and A. EACH SECTION costs 504 to help pay for the costs of my time, typing, reproducing, and mailing. If you want three sections, that's $1.50; if you want all twenty sections, that's $10." So many have sent $10 already that it's clear some of you ARE interested in everything.

As of September 15, when all the responses should be in, the sections (spelled out below, but you only have to use the first letter) have about the following numbers of typed response-pages (including responses from the second mailing from JOYI) as listed after each section below:




Techniques, including Q1, 7, 12, 14, 15, 19, 28


Names, including Q28


Frequencies, including Q18, 29


Partners, including Q8, 21


Visual devices, including Q2, 24








Auditory devices, including Q6, 25


Kicks, including Q13


Where and when, including Q3


Youthful activities


Goals, including Q9, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23




Heavies, including Q4, 5, 10, 11




Questions, continuing responses to Q26, 27, 30




Uncontrolled fantasies




     All 20 sections



For those who complained about service and crossed my mailings in the mail, I apologize for not responding individually, but I trust the problems are now resolved, Any suggestions about where we can go from this point?

JOYI          BOX 1031          BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11201


DIARY 13318


Dear Mr. Meredith:

Enclosed are ___ pages of responses to three pages of questionnaires that I, under the post office box name as JOYI, sent to over 300 respondents to the following ad placed in The Advocate a nationally distributed gay newspaper: I'm sure there's a book here: a sensational, unconventional look at a VERY taboo topic, masturbation. Aside from Stekel's "Auto-Erotism" from 19__, and R.E.L. Master's "Self-Stimulation" from 1967, I don't think anything of note has been published on this topic. But the sources of the book are not dry professorial types, the sources of the comments here are men from 15-80 with "hands-on" experience who claim they would most desire "to be in a continuous state of masturbation" ( __, page __ ). Comments range from the joy of "    " to the depression of "   ". In transcribing these responses, I felt moved to add some of my own comments, which will be found on pages ___ - ___ . To be honest, I don't know if these comments add or detract from the impact of the statements themselves. When I read texts on perversions, I skip to "the good parts": The case histories, and ignore the commentary. "The Hite Report" __________ I'm certain that this book will be published in one form or another. By sending it to you first, I hope to get an opinion as to its final form. You may also have an opinion as whether to publish under the name JOYI, possibly adding newsworthy mystery, or my own name. Enclosed is a check for $100, the fee for reading portions of books up to ___ words

VERY truly yours,

JOYI (Robert Zolnerzak)

Note ESPECIALLY physiological notes I've never seen anywhere (T11,16), surprising answers to H4, SACRAMENTAL quality in old man (T11,7), defensive qualities (why not?), extremes (continuous), bisexuality (pussy, because it WORKS). Queries: 1) should I keep T's TOGETHER for same person, particularly Y's and D's. 2) Should I retype so that people are in CODE order so you can follow TD, for example, THROUGH?


DIARY 13418



There's been some confusion about sending for the combined responses to the questionnaires. I'll repeat the following section from the first JOYI mailing: "You'll see that the secrets are divided into twenty sections, each with a letter (D = Descriptions, for instance). If you want to FIND OUT about Clothing, Stimulants, and Auditory devices, for instance, you want to read sections C, S, and A. EACH SECTION costs 504 to help pay for the costs of my time, typing, reproducing, and mailing. If you want three sections, that's $1.50; if you want all twenty sections, that's $10." So many have sent $10 that it's clear you are interested in everything. NOW, HOWEVER (change coming!), because of the SIZE of sections T, F, P, and K, and NEW requests (old ones will be honored) for THOSE sections will have to be accompanied by $1 for each of those sections. Hope that's clear. As of September 15, when all the responses should be in, the sections (that are spelled out below, but you only have to use the first letter) have ABOUT the following numbers of typed response-pages (INCLUDING responses to the Questions added in the SECOND MAILING FROM JOYI) as listed below:



 4 pages

Techniques, including Q1, 7, 12, 14, 15, 19, 28

10 pages

Names, including Q28

 1 page

Frequencies, including Q18, 29

10 pages

Partners, including Q8, 21

11 pages

Visual devices, including Q2, 24

 3 pages


 4 pages


 3 pages


 2 pages

Auditory devices, including Q6, 25

 3 pages

Kicks, including Q13

11 pages

Where and when, including Q3

 7 pages

Youthful activities

 7 pages

Goals, including Q9, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23

 4 pages


 1 page

Heavies, including

 1 page


 1 page

Questions, containing responses to Q26, 27, 30

 8 pages


 1 page

Uncontrolled fantasies

 1 page



     All 20 sections

93 pages


For those who complained about service and crossed my mailing in the mail, I apologize for not responding individually, but I trust the problems are now resolved. Any suggestions about where we can go from this point?

JOYI          BOX 1031          BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11202


DIARY 13608



Many requests lead me to write to the 60 New York City members to ask about starting a j/o group here in the city. The hardest problems are finding the people and finding (or renting) the place for the people to meet. One person suggested we get together and rent a small apartment which would always be available. What do you think about that?

I was a member of a sex group that met over a period of years; one reason it finally died was that too few members were willing to act as hosts in their own apartments. How many of you are willing to act as hosts for a group?

Unless I get other suggestions, this is how it might work:

1) You send JOYI ALL the following information as you register:

     a) You name, address, phone number (if you wish), Mailing Label Code (use as many of the following as you wish: A=Average guy; B=Been doing it a long time; C=Cock-crazy; E=Enormous cock; H=Humpy stud; L=Lots of experience; S=Show-off; for example, JOYI's code will be ACLS), closest subway station (with directions, if you live out of the center of Manhattan, which I presume we all know well enough), and a VERY rough sketch of either your apartment or the apartment of a friend of yours who'd be willing to host "your" party. Unless someone gives a good reason to the contrary, I don't see how such a membership can work unless EACH member is willing to host a party for at least 6-8 others. By sending this information, you give your consent to have your information sent to prospective hosts.

     b) Your rules for the game: How many can you invite? What about members inviting friends (that sex group found that the BEST guys were often GUESTS)? What "house rules" are there (grass, booze, noise, whatever)? How often could you have a group over? What could be the first 3 dates and times?

     c) Your Registration Fee of $5 for handling and mailing and time needed to set this up. Since there are so many fewer of you, this will NOT take as long as it took to handle the JOYI questionnaires. Expect quick results.

2) In return, I send mailing labels (the kind I use now) with the members' names and codes and addresses (and phone numbers, if any) to the hosts for the first parties. If you smudge the labels, you'll have to copy addresses yourself.

3) You have the costs of mailing, the wording of the invitations, any admission fee, any other details to be understood, and the responsibility for your party.

4) I will take ongoing suggestions, questions, and comments by mail only. I'll sure want to be at the parties, but as a guest only, except when friends host them for my turns. It's not fear or shyness that keeps me anonymous, it's just more fun being "one of the guys" at parties.

For those of you who suggest I telephone them, I'd really like to, but I have enough headaches with JOYI now---I don't want to carry them into the parties with me. I find that the mails work much better for passing information. Hope you understand.

JOYI          BOX 1031          BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11202